"I don't know what you're thinking," he looks away.
"I'm not the nice guy you deserve. I'm used to getting what I want, which is why I already told myself I can't have you."
I feel something heavy press into my stomach at his words. I let them sink in, composing myself. Keep it together. I maintain an even expression yet manage to dissect every word in multiple scenarios, wondering what the hell he means until I'm practically panting.
He clears his throat. Is he embarrassed?
"If your version of happily ever after is being made to feel important I don't think that’s asking too much. However I do think if you’ve told him you’ve forgiven him then you have to. It’s your issue if you actually haven't but said you had."
I swallow hard, wanting to go back to the can't having me part.
"You shouldn't try to pretend to be someone you're not. You have to be honest with yourself. It's difficult, I get it... how’s the sex?”
I nearly choke on my own swallow, the way his question comes out of nowhere. Then I check to see if he's serious.
He’s grinning from ear to ear with a devilish gleam, and I let out a small laugh, mainly because I don't know how else to react.
His face falls when I don’t answer, and I think he may be scared I’m going to say I’m a virgin or something.
“Sorry.” I’m still laughing. “The thing is," I manage to get out between hysterics, "the other night he told me he’s always pictured being with the type of girl who will have a threesome.”
I watch Asher’s smile widen. He's trying to hide his own laughter now.
“After all that’s happened between us, with trust and making me feel important he had the audacity to say that!”
“What a piece of work,” he shakes his head. “Threesomes are over rated anyway. Orgies too."
My jaw drops but he doesn't notice.
"I’d take one girl who loves me over the many who can please me for a short period of time. Plus, shite, they’re a lot of work.”
“I don’t even want to know,” I quiver as I place my hands over my ears before he can divulge any further.
“I’ve been cheated on and I’ve cheated before. A lot.” He says it loud enough so I hear. I pause and take my hands away. I’m a little disappointed. Obviously I’ve read rumors, but a part of me believed he was the ideal guy. I refused to accept them, which is just stupid.
Yet my expression still falls over the fact that Asher Montgomery is not perfect.
No one is, dummy.
“I told you I’ve done things I’m not proud of,” he slouches. “I like to think I’ve since grown and learned from my mistakes,” he offers a half smile. “You have to be a real shithead to mistake the same mistake twice with someone like you though.”
“You're giving me far more credit than I deserve,” I sigh, waiting for the inevitable lecture, all while replaying someone like you, which goes right up there along with I can't have you.
"Funny. You sitting here feels like you're doing the same for me."
"Imagine that."
"Everyone deserves respect though, right?” he preaches. “If you can’t give it to the person you’re with then you shouldn’t be with them. I've learned that selfishness will only get you so far and in the end that will likely be alone."
Out of nowhere he grabs my hand and I jump at the sudden contact. Despite the gesture being nothing more than a friendly pat it sends a ragging current through my body. My whole body. Now I'm picturing him rolling his hips like he would on stage. The way the skin on his bottom lip achingly pulled during that famous onscreen kissing scene, and how he felt earlier when he accidentally landed on top of me.
Like a steel pole.
“Anyway," he lets go with a sheepish grin and an overly exaggerated sigh, "it sounds like you’re not with a very nice man,” he winks. “I guess just think twice before marrying the guy.”
I make a face.
“I don’t plan on it. I’m not that stupid.” Yet he offers this look like I might be.
“How long have you been with him?” he implores. “Two years, you say?”
“And he still hasn’t asked?”
No, thankfully.
“First of all,” I hold up a finger. “I’m glad he hasn’t. Second,” I lift another finger, “two years isn’t that long.”
Asher is already leaning in, ready to prove me wrong. I can see it in the way his eyes brighten.
“Sure it is!" his passion fills the room. "When you know you know. When you’re with the person two years is too long! God I bet it would feel like a lifetime.”
I'm already shaking my head disagreeing.
“I’ll know who I want to marry from the moment we meet," he continues. "Or at least after a few hours of conversation."