Page 28 of Starstruck

"Guess it's not me then, huh?" I laugh.

"Why waste time playing games when you can begin your lives together?” he ignores my silly comment.

“Who are you?” I make a face. Not in a million years did I ever picture Asher Montgomery a hopeless romantic. Maybe its a direct result of living such a fake life. “Love at first sight doesn’t exist. Real life isn't like movies or songs or-”

“I’m sorry you feel that way but I don’t.”

“Well,” I sigh. “I think I have to date a person for at least two years, maybe more. Otherwise how will I know they’re not just another Travis?”

Now he's looking at me like I'm crazy.

“I thought I loved him in the beginning and clearly I was wrong.”

And there we have it, ladies and gentlemen. I’m not in love with Travis... and clearly I have no idea what love is if I ever thought I was.

“I guess coming from you I can understand that.”

It takes me a minute to decide if that's an insult or not, and when I look up to defend myself his eyes are gentle and soft. I silently lean back. Now I'm depressed. I think he can sense it too. I see his mind racing, wondering how to lighten the mood.

“So where does this leave us?” he cracks a smile. “Aside from not getting engaged for another two years. How will I pass the time?”

It feels good to joke around.

"Well... I guess for one thing no one’s life is perfect," I shrug. "Our lives are so opposite and yet-"

“You’ve got that right," he mumbles.

"Tell me something else," I sit back and relax, already feeling better. It's ridiculously easy to talk to him. Fun and simple. "Something that makes me seem less sad."

He chuckles.

"Okay, well... I can never tell if someone likes me or is pretending to,” he obnoxiously air quotes his words, “and damn, I still can't get over it. You’re in a shitty relationship and have a job that you hate.”

Yup that's it, all laid out on the table.

“You know, air quotes went out in the 90’s. Kind of like you and that boyband.”

He throws a crumbled up gum wrapper at me. I dodge it and watch it land on the floor.

“You have a horrible aim. Stick to music and acting.”

"I have an idea," he abruptly stands. Then he says something else that I can’t make out, and the next thing I know he's rushing out the door.

“Where are you going?” I call, but he’s already gone.

When he returns he's carrying a stack of paper in one hand and a bunch of envelopes in the other.

“Give me your phone,” he holds out his hand and with complete and utter confusion I comply, no questions asked.

“I have a busy life," his fingers click the keys. "I’m not always the best person. I have good intentions but-” he cuts himself off. “I want to be your-” he pauses, cocking his head to the side, thinking of how to finish that.

He wants to be my what?

He looks up with a mischievous smile.


I can't help but smile back. It's sweet. In fact it may be the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. I feel like I'm in second grade all over again, the way he's asking to be my friend.

“Are you going to ask me to check yes or no in a box? Because if there’s a maybe option I’m definitely going for that."

He rolls his eyes like I'm strange and returns my phone.

“My number is in there. It'll come up from now on,” his face falls, his tone sad. “I’ve changed it many times before... and if it turns out I can’t trust you I’ll do the same again.”

I hold the phone close. “I’ll guard it with my life.” I exaggerate. I'm so overdramatic. I'm such an ass. “Are you going to write me letters too?”

He gives me the hottest look I’ve ever seen and I'm already prepared to do the one thing I shouldn’t - lie in bed and pretend, and as I replay the day. This whole day. Everything. I know it's this moment - this very expression, that will star in it all.

“These,” he motions to the papers. I have to shake my head to snap out of it. “Are for our a pact.”


"Okay I’m seriously starting to think you haven’t made it past middle school."

“A pact to always be honest with each other while allowing one exception,” he has a playful gleam in his eyes. “Everyone is allowed to have a secret.”

Well that immediately gets my attention.

“Whatever we write we seal in our respective envelopes. It will be our one secret from the other. Everything else is fair game, except for what’s in here.”

I stare at the stark white cardstock with hotel’s logo on it. “Okay…” I’m still not quite understanding, and yet somewhat grasping the fact that Asher Montgomery has something big to hide. He must, right?