Page 120 of Starstruck

Does this count as personal?

I quickly look off camera at Mona. She’s scurrying around but offering no help on how I should answer.

Of course.

Ugh! What did Asher say? Keep it vague and positive and don't say anything that can be misconstrued.

“He obviously loves her.” I nervously smile.

“Did you have to do any convincing? Sources say it almost broke you guys up!”

What the hell? That’s definitely personal! Untrue, but personal!

“Uhh, no,” I offer a weird look. What he hell! This wasn’t in the script!

"Well we consider ourselves lucky to have gotten you here! You’ve been turning down a lot of other shows."

I force a smile.

"Everyone wants to know how you managed to date the Asher Montgomery. You were just a fan yourself!"

I look back at Mona. She’s nodding, motioning for me to go ahead.

Fucking hell. She planned this.

Mom and Jess offer worried looks.


“Um... I was - I am a fan of his,” I look over at Elizabeth.

Say something. I’m begging you, say something!

“I’m told fans say they remember meeting you when you were just a fan. Is it true you used to do things like wait outside to try and meet him?”

“Uhhh-” I clear my throat. “Like I said I’ve always been a big fan."

“Okay, okay." He nods. "One last question and then we’ll leave you alone."

Oh god.

“Now that you have the dog, have you talked about tying the knot and making your little family official?”


What the hell kind of question is that?

I look back at Mona. Her lips are curled wide as she types on her phone. Likely doing some pre-damage control for whatever is about to come out of my mouth.

Which is silence.

Even I know silence on TV is never good.

“I heard via a recent interview Asher says he’s ready,” the host cheerfully prods.

My eyes dart to his.

He said that?

I try to think.

No he didn’t! Don’t listen to him! He’s just trying to get you to say something! Don’t fall for it!

I laugh nervously and smile.

“Oh, is this a touchy subject? My goodness! Did I push too many buttons?” The host laughs.

I awkwardly smile. “Um, no.” I don't even know which question I'm responding to.

“No you’re not ready?" He throws his hands in the air. "Fans, you heard it here first! There still may be a chance for you!”

“Oh! No! That’s not what I meant,” I quickly add. “I’d marry Asher in a heartbeat.”

The audience gasps and my face falls.


Mona is a little too happy to not have known this was going to happen. She wears a sneer and through the blur of everything - the show ending, saying goodbye to everyone, changing, etc, it's all I see.

Outside Smith is waiting.

His face falls when he sees me. He knows better than to ask how it went.

Mom and Dad tell me not to worry before heading home. Jess understands the severity of the situation and stays to console me.

As soon as we get back to the apartment Madison runs to her favorite bed. Jess and I set up shop on the couch.

“It’ll be okay,” she cringes, not knowing what else to say.

“You don’t have to lie,” I mumble into the throw pillow.

“What do you want me to say?” She sighs. “It was totally embarrassing and it sucked."


“Well,” she pats my leg. “Look at it this way. You can’t take back what you said now, and the first half of the interview was really fantastic."

“Why couldn’t it just end when it was supposed to?”

She shrugs. We fall silent.

“So have you guys ever talked about it? You already live together. I mean is it that bad?”

I offer a blank stare.

"Like kind of one time but nowhere near the capacity that would give me any right to admit what I did on national television."

She sighs. I glance at my phone. Asher still hasn't called.

“What are you going to say to him?”

“I have no idea.”

An hour later Brad arrives. Since Asher will be home in a few days he was coming anyway, but really we all know he's here to see Jess.

“Maddy girl!” He shouts as Madison’s paws click against the floor as she runs to him. “I hear you may have legitimate parents soon!”

“Brad, stop!” Jess scowls.

“Have you talked to him?” I look up.

“Nope!” He chuckles, leaning down and giving me a side hug. “I take it that you haven't either, Mrs. Montgomery?”

“Leave her alone," Jess shoves him. "She’s upset.”

“Why?” He plops down, practically on top of me.

“Um, because it’s humiliating!" I slide over to give him room. "I didn’t even mean to say it, let alone so that everyone in the world could hear it!"

“Word of advice?” He raises an eyebrow. “Don’t ever tell Asher that.” He grabs a handful of the chips Jess and I were snacking on. “Judging by your face he’ll already know it’s not something you meant to say.”