I told him I want his freakin' downpour. He laughs, saying this should be more about the mission than for the show to get the both of us on camera like literally every place is angling for. So he sends Mona instead.
I'm not sure how that's any sort of consolation.
My parents and Jess are here too. So is Madison.
It'll be her first TV appearance as well.
Mona stands in front of me as I sit in the hair and makeup chair. She's talking so fast I have no idea what the hell I'm agreeing to. Madison is on my lap. She's the only thing keeping me from freaking out right now.
Two ladies pull at my hair. Another cakes so much makeup on my face that I'm scared what I'll look like. I can't see anything but their expressions. They look like they're on a mission.
When they're done I don’t even recognize myself.
Layers of makeup.
Hair extensions.
My nerves take a turn for the worse when I hear Mona take a call about finding me a trainer. She says I should really lose a few pounds if I’m going to continue with these TV appearances.
Then someone with a clipboard and headset comes to get me.
It's all happening so fast.
I feel like someone else is moving my body as I follow her. The studio audience erupts with cheer as I enter.
I was not expecting that.
I smile and wave, praying I don't trip, or that my dress doesn't rip.
I’m seated on a couch.
The lights are bright.
I can’t get over how small everything looks compared to on TV.
The audience is still shouting, mostly asking if Asher is here, to which I politely shake my head no.
They groan, and all I can think is me too.
Then a bunch of girls shout my name and a string of compliments that catches me off guard. I smile and wave to them. I’ve seen Asher do it a million times, only he looks so natural. I feel like an awkward gorilla.
A man approaches and wires a microphone to me. Then Elizabeth, the Four Paws representative, walks out. I smile, happy to see a familiar face. We make polite conversation until the show’s host joins. Then all too soon the countdown starts.
We’re about to go live!
I turn around and glance out the large window that faces the streets of New York City. Fans are outside, braving the cold, obviously hoping to get a glimpse of Asher. The stagehand’s countdown gets lower. I meet the stare of a few fans outside. They’re waving erratically. I even spot a couple of signs with mine and Madison’s names on it too.
Ten seconds.
I look past the camera at my parents and Jess. Their smiles are insane.
How the hell are they so calm?
Madison is brought out and plopped onto my lap. Everyone awws. I relax a little.
Then I hear laughter and look down.
She’s totally Asher’s dog, hamming it up for the cameras and being all cute.
Five seconds!
Deep breathes.
Can the microphone pick up my racing heart?
Please don't say anything stupid.
Oh god.
I looked over the script fifty times. I know the questions and the small banter with the show’s host. I know what to say. I got this. It’s going to be okay.
We're Live!
And it is.
Halfway through the segment I realize it's easy to talk about something I’m so passionate about. I tell the story of the night I found Madison, although I could’ve done without them showing the dumpster photos. Elizabeth talks about Four Paws and their mission. Then I announce Madison’s Fury Friends and how we’re teaming up. Easy.
We're nearing the end.
"Anything else you'd like to add?" The host asks.
"Our website will be up and running soon. We’re non-profit and gladly accepting donations to cover vet bills, food, beds, and medication."
I don’t even um or stutter! I know at the end there's one mention of Asher, and then it'll be over.
“When you open your doors, will you face a lot of problems with fans showing up trying to meet Asher?”
There it is, as planned.
My heart leaps at the sound of his name. I wonder if he’s watching on a live feed like he said he was going to try to do.
“We hope not,” I laugh. “Although Asher loves his fans! So much so that with every donation they’ll receive a special item."
"That sounds exciting!"
I nod. "We're still working on the details and tiers, but it will be things like a signed photo, an exclusive meet and greet, concert tickets..." my voice trails off. "But I should probably add that Asher will not be in the actual shelter. This is all about helping the animals."
The end, I smile. I did it!
“And what did Asher think when you first brought Madison home?”
My eyes dart to the hosts. I already talked about bringing Madison home. He's not supposed to be mentioning Asher in a personal sense. They signed a contract!