Page 108 of Starstruck

"She didn't know-" Asher defends.

"What's the name of the place and address?" One of the more even-toned of the group asks. Asher looks to me and I write it down.

Then the many voices start again.

"How incriminating are we talking?"

"Were either of you naked?"

I curl up in the chair and bite my lip.

Eventually they come up with a plan, a statement about integrity and calling out the magazine.

"Hold on," Asher puts the phone down and looks up. "You can't go back after this."


"After and if we release this sort of statement, you can't walk back in there."

I slowly nod.

"You have to decide if you're doing this because you're mad, or if you're truly done."

"I- I-" I look to him for help.

"This has to be your decision."

Shit that's a lot of pressure.

I lick my lips, thinking.

Oh god, what do I do?

On one hand it's my fault, and it is business. That's what he always says, right? Then again, it's one thing to get the photos and print them and another to say what they did. All without consulting me, or even a warning. And these are people I've worked with for years! I've been to company parties and picnics. Birthday celebrations and even their kids' events.

I offer a pleading look and Asher sighs. "Personally I think the punishment fits the crime."

"So you think we should do the statement?"

He nods. "Ultimately it's your choice. But Elle, you hate that place. Your boss can at times be somewhat degrading, and most of all if you quit that means you can join me on tour."

My eyes dart to his as he smiles wide before returning to the phone. "Yeah, she's deciding. Give her a second."

He puts his hand over the receiver. "I would’ve written the story myself had I thought of it. If it means getting this out of it. I've grown quite fond and accustom to seeing you everyday."

I can't help my smile before the uncertainty clouds my mind. As great as that would be, I can already see the headlines. Asher’s Girlfriend: A Total Mooch!

I need a job.

"What would I do?" I don't mean to ask out loud.

"I dunno," he shrugs. "You'll figure it out. Take the summer."

"People will see me as a clingy girlfriend that just follows you everywhere."

"I'm okay with that," he teasingly shrugs.

I hesitate some more.

"We’ll talk about the details," he pats my leg in a way that I know he's already working on his argument, and that he’s likely going to win.

He almost always does.

"So?" he raises an eyebrow.

I slowly nod. "Yeah, okay, do it."

He gets back on the phone and gives them the go.

As soon as he hangs up he moves beside me. "I want to be happy about this but you seem unsure."

"Honestly I don't know what I am."

"Well I had some good news today."

"Oh yeah?" I look up, eagerly. "I could use a pick me up."

"I spoke to the guys."

"The guys?"

"Let's Go."


"Yeah, I guess that with everything that happened with you and me they thought it was a real change of character. Chad reached out, and now they want to get together."

“Holy shit!” I scream.

Suddenly Tiny runs into the room, his dark face almost pale with worry.

"Crap, sorry! We’re okay!" I surrender.

“Elle, you have to stop doing that!” He throws his hand against the wall, catching his breath. "Security, remember? Screams bad."

"Sorry," I mumble, turning back to Asher. "So when and where?"

"Next week. Here. I wanted to keep it private and the date just so happens to work for everyone." He turns to Tiny to explain. "The guys."

"No kidding!" Tiny smiles. “Haven’t seen them in years.”

“I'm so happy for you," I smile too.

"Yeah?" he returns the look.

"I’ll arrange the food. Oh!" I squeal. "Can Jess come too?"

"What did I tell you two about living out some teenage fantasy?"

I pout.

"Fine," he rolls his eyes.

"Eek! I'm gonna call her! Then I'll make sandwiches?”

Asher shakes his head, my smile reflecting in his eyes. Tiny shouts his sandwich preference, like I don’t already know.

I'm not even fully in the kitchen before Jess answers.


"Oh my god, you have to come over! Where are you?"

"Just finished class. What's going on?"

"I have so much to tell you. Best if you come here."

"Is Brad still there?"

"Uh, yeah, why?"



"We sort of hooked up."

"What? When?"

"Last weekend, after we went out."

"Oh. My. God. Why didn't you tell me? You know what," I change my mind. "It doesn't matter. Just come over and we'll talk. I'll make sure we stay away from the guys if you don't want to see him."

"That's just the thing," she sighs. "I do. I think I really like him."

My eyes widen.

I can't help my excitement.

After I get off the phone I make sandwiches as promised. Then I open my computer. I bring up my email and start a draft to Amelia, the editor-in-chief, and HR. I want to do this right, before the statement hits.