Page 109 of Starstruck

But I tap on the keys and stare at the screen with a blank expression.

I always pictured quitting with some big, dramatic, and super immature but gratifying goodbye.

See-ya suckers!

Get a life!

Of course I never would, and I could never do that, especially now.

But I type it out anyway, smiling wide as I insert every curse word imaginable. I read it over twice before deleting it. Then I type out one of the most mature emails I’ve ever written and hit send.

I close my laptop and let out a deep sigh.

As much as I've wanted to, I don't know that I ever expected to actually quit. I've dreamed about it, but never took the risk. I was all talk. It's weird to be the person who finally puts her words into actions.

I think I like her.

Later that night, soon after I get into bed, Asher pauses in the doorway. He stands in place for a good few minutes.

Finally I shut the TV and look up with a smile.

His eyes are that deep green, like they've been lost in thought for hours. Arms crossed, his white tee clings to his chest so tightly I can make out the contours of his muscles.

"Yes?" My eyes teasingly widen.

“Go on tour with me because you can’t stand being without me. Because that’s why I moved to New York. That’s why I want you to come on tour with me. I can’t stand not being around you.” Suddenly the bed dips and he's in front of me, his breath hot on my lips. “I want you to get sick of me.”

“Never.” I whisper, barely getting the word out. I'm not sure he's ever removed my clothes so fast.

The morning the guys of Let's Go arrive is filled with a bundle of nerves, but this time they’re on Asher’s end. He's more anxious than I've ever seen.

I want this to go smoothly for him, but he's so on edge I'm starting to feel the pressure too.

I stare at his reflection in the mirror as he fixes his hair.

For the third time.

He's been running his fingers through it all morning.

"You got the food, right?" he confirms.


"And the drinks?"


"Did you move those awards?"


He didn't want it to appear like he was showing off his post Let's Go success.

"What about the-"

"Asher," I stop him with a kind smile. "Deep breaths. You're starting to sound like me."

He lets out a low chuckle. "I want this to go well."

“It will."

He nods.

"Should I go when they get here? Maybe give you guys a chance to talk?”

“What?” His eyes widen like the idea is truly terrifying. “No,” he shakes his head. "You're the one who sent the text that started it all. You knew just what to say. You have to be here!" His look is pleading as he continues to run his fingers through his hair.

"Okay," I soothe. "Okay." I move his arms away. "You look good. Stop freaking out."

He swallows hard and slowly nods.

With one last look I head downstairs and run into Brad in the kitchen.

Oh yeah, Brad is back.

He left a few days ago. Then last night he showed up again, bagless. He said his stuff is already in his room.

We laugh it off.

I get the last of the food together.

He starts eating what I’ve already put out.

“You know you’re not helping,” I give him a look as I place another platter on the counter.

“I know but these are so good!” He stuffs a second crab cake in his mouth. “Did you make them?”

“Definitely,” I smile.

“Liar,” he chews.

I laugh.

“What’s so funny?” Asher walks in.

“Elle’s cooking.”

“She’s the worst.” Asher kisses my cheek, not so subtly reaching behind me for a crab cake in the process. At least he's in a better mood. I watch him smile as he pops it into his mouth.

“Oh, you got my favorite ones!" He chews. “This is why I love you!” He grossly kisses with his mouth full.

“Ew get a room,” Brad chokes.

“Hey, my house, buddy,” Asher keeps one arm around me.

“So when is Jess coming?” Brad inquires a little too obviously.

Just then the doorbell rings.

"Speak of the devil," I smile.

Asher suspiciously narrows his stare at the exchange.

"Hey!" Jess walks in, stopping just short of Brad.

It only takes Asher another second.

"You two?" He figures it out, his eyes darting from Brad to Jess, and then to me. "You knew?"

"Wait Elle, you knew?" Brad stands.

I do the safest thing I can think of.

I grab Jess's arm and we flee.

There are people in the world that no matter how long you go without talking to them, whether it’s five weeks, or in this case five years, it’s like they never left.

Everyone should be lucky enough to have at least one person like this in their life. For Asher he has four.

It’s weird to be in a room of so many people I don't actually know yet feel so at home with them. They’re amazing. All of them. Their wives and girlfriends too.