
Shit. The bell rings again, and I snap myself out of it. Too late for doubts and recriminations now. I look down at the olive bandage dress I am wearing and shake out my arms. This is going to have to be good enough. I paired it with tan heels and rose gold jewelry. My hair, my favorite asset about myself, has been brushed into a wavy sheen and is flowing down my back which is covering up a low cut back. Grabbing my purse, I look in the mirror one more time and take a deep breath.

I am not sure what to expect opening the door, but he is quite a vision in a button-up shirt, some black slacks, and an unshaved five o’clock shadow that has me dripping thinking about it rubbing against my thighs, leaving burn marks. “Wow! You look breathtaking, baby,” he says. He walks closer to me, his woodsy, manly cologne making me dizzy. I find myself leaning into him, drugged with lust. His hands touch my shoulders, and he steadies me. “I know, baby. I feel it too,” he says into my ear. His nose runs up my neck before he kisses my forehead and pulls back. “If we don’t move now, I am going to take you against your door, Karcin. Let’s go.”

This is going to be a long night.



God, she’s gorgeous. I should have fucked her right against her door then took her out. My dick is so fucking hard, I don’t know how I’m going to get through this. If I had fucked her, I might be able to think clearly, since all my blood is rushing to my dick, instead of my brain where I need it right now. I’m pretty fucking positive I fell in love with her the moment she looked me up and down, right past my crutch. There was never a look of pity or disgust on her face, or even a shadow of a thought that I might be less than. She licked her lips and her cheeks flushed, classic signs of arousal that are hard pressed to be faked.

Despite being beyond ready for this date, I was stressing about having to use the crutch. In her office is one thing, but this has been messing with my head, but fuck it. We’re here and this is happening so help me God.

I help her into the passenger seat of my car and pull out of her place. Luckily, Fort Wayne only has two restaurants. The Tap Bar which would be loud as hell on a Friday night and The Piccolo. Piccolo is Italian, so I went with that because it’s quiet enough for us to talk. And we do just that. Comfortably. No awkward silences or that weirdness a first date can have. She laughs at my jokes over appetizers and wine. Once the family style food arrives, the server leaves us to fend for ourselves. Now the topic of conversation turns serious, beyond any first date I’ve ever been on, perhaps that’s why I’ve never been on a second date.

“Why are you still single?” I ask. The look of surprise on her face amuses me.

“You know, I’ve thought long and hard about this answer. Perhaps too hard, but there’s nothing to be done about it now. I’m still single because there are only two types of men in my world, Manny. Option number one is the solider that has to be all macho, all the time yet he doesn’t understand that I’m also a soldier. He could be sharing his day with me instead of treating me like a dumb blonde whose sole purpose in life is to make him sandwiches and spread my legs for him. I might be a non-combat soldier, but I know what’s going on in the world. Or option number two which is maybe even worse, is the kind of man who is so intimidated by me he treats me like shit and we’re never on an equal playing field. I’ve never found a man that was in between.”

“What’s in between?” I ask, suddenly praying that I fit the bill of whatever is going to come out of her mouth next.

“A man who understands both sides of me. A man who knows what I need.”

“What do you need?” I ask, my voice thick and my cock hard. If I don’t get inside of her soon, I’ll explode.

“A real man who knows that I’m a rough and tumble, yes sir, no sir, soldier at work, but at home, I’m a woman, who is soft and nurturing with needs and one of those needs is to be able to forget that I’m even a soldier.”

I swallow thickly, thinking about all those needs that she has. All those needs that I know I’m the man to fulfill, despite being a quarter of a century older than her. Fuck it, that right there may be why I know I am the best man for her.