I’m gonna marry this girl and nothing is going to stop me.



There is a thick silence following my declaration about not being a soldier when I get home. I can’t quite put my finger on it, but I can feel him thinking… digesting it. His eyes have not left my face though, and it is making me squirm. I have spent years under scrutiny and being looked at, but something about his inspection makes me…achy. “Uhmm… I…”

“Why so nervous, Karcin?” Good question. I am a soldier, for fuck’s sake.

“I honestly don’t know. You make me nervous.” My father always said honesty is the best policy.

“Good. You have made me hard from the moment I walked into the rehab center. I must admit; I am intrigued by your answer.”

“Yeah, well, I am intrigued by you. Why have you never been married?” I am assuming he hasn’t been married before. My stomach feels sick at the thought that he could have belonged to someone else.

“My dad and my uncles were all soldiers. I knew this would be my life, and until recently, I was more than fine with that because any woman I ended up with wouldn’t understand.” My stomach unknots with his answer.

“You know not all women are like that.” He smiles and takes a sip of his water. “You mentioned recently. What changed? Was it your injury?” His hand leaves his glass, and he stares at me, his gaze burning into my soul, calling to me, reaching out to me, beckoning me to follow him where this is going to go.

“No,” he says, licking his lips. “The minute I walked into the rehab center and saw you.” Holy shit. Oh fuck. My pussy pulsed like a vibrator on the second click. My nipples are rubbing against my dress, calling for his mouth, the wet warmth from being in his mouth. “You have me rethinking everything I thought I knew I wanted. Everything.” Jesus, it is hot in here. His eyes twinkle like he knows what I am thinking, and my head drops to hide the blush. “Your turn. Tell me about you.” That’s easy.

“There is really nothing to tell. My mom died when I was thirteen. My father is General Adams, so I basically grew up on bases and around all things military.” I notice the minute his mind catches up with what I said.

“Oh fuck. That is your father?” And here we go.

“Yes, he is. Is that a problem?” I might puke if he says yes.

“Well, not for me.” Good.

“He speaks very highly of you,” I tell him, trying to eat my cheesecake and not draw focus to the drenched piece of cloth between my legs.

“I am sure he does. That is only because he doesn’t know all the dirty, bad things I want to do to his little girl.”


Now the upholstery of the chair is soaked. My entire body is alive and vibrating. My face begins to burn, and once again, I hide it. Well, I try to. “Don’t hide from me, sweet girl. I like that you can still blush. I didn’t think anyone could anymore. Are you about done with that dessert?” My fork drops onto the plate, and I nod. “Good. I would much rather a nightcap.”

I watch as he pulls money from his wallet and stands. He pulls my chair back and helps me up. Your place or mine? Dear God. Anywhere.



Thank fuck I stopped drinking after that first glass of wine, because now I’m speeding back across town to her place. I get out of the car, forgetting my crutch for the first time in a long time. I don’t need it. I walk over to the passenger seat and help her out. At the door, I lean in and kiss her.

“Wow. That was… wow. Would you like to come in for coffee?” she asks, digging into her purse for the keys.

“Hell yes,” I say, following her inside. I want so much to be a gentleman, but she’s making it impossible.

“Make yourself at home,” she says, going into the kitchen. I hear her puttering around in there. I was pretty sure I was reading the signals correctly, but she’s actually making coffee.

Going into the kitchen, I get up behind her, real close. “Did you really invite me up here for coffee?” I rasp into her ear.

“No, but I didn’t want to be too forward.”

“I like that in a lady, Karcin but it’s time to let me take care of you.”


“Hell yea,” I say, turning her to face me. I drop my lips down on hers and she melts into me. Trapped between my hulking body and the counter she has no choice but to fucking melt. She wraps her arms around my neck and my hands travel down her body to her juicy ass. I squeeze her until she moans. She’s so fucking petite that I lift her up with no effort. “Where’s the fucking bedroom?” I growl.