I cringed as they moved over my body with distaste and then flickered away. “You dare bring an abomination into this court?”

“I dare.” Mason growled loudly. “I am the rightful king.” Whisperings commenced, “I once gave you the throne, and I’m here to take it back.”

“Kill the woman, and I’ll allow it.”

“You allow nothing, old man.” Ma

son’s teeth clenched. “Speak of my mate again like that, and I’ll rip your head from your body.”

His father sighed and then grinned. “You’ve always been so serious… As long as she means us no harm, she can stay.”

“Harm?” I said aloud. “I’m his mate. All I want is his happiness.”

“You’re nae welcome to speak!” He spat.

I jerked back against Mason.

He took a step forward, fists clenched.

“Enough,” Cassius said in a bored tone. “I think this is a conversation that should be held… in private.”

Mason’s father nodded and moved his hand. Suddenly warriors flanked us on every side, and we were escorted behind the throne into a smaller room with a long black marble table and leather chairs. Flat-screen TVs made a banner around the room. Different cameras played areas of the castle and what appeared to be different places around the world.

Children played on some of the screens; others showed remote villages, a few smaller castles.

And then there was one camera set on a forest.

I frowned and took a step closer.

I remembered the vision from earlier. The forest that the goddess had walked out of.

My mother?

The one who had given me life?

A pang I didn’t know possible split my chest in two as I yearned for someone — anyone — to walk out of the trees.

To want me.

To claim me.

And then I remembered I had Mason.

He was all I would ever need.

I glanced back at him and smiled, just as another door opened and the man from the street waltzed in.

He stopped right in front of Mason then pulled him in for a huge hug. He slapped his back multiple times before releasing him. The man had jet-black eyes and dark brown hair that was pulled back into a low ponytail.

I’d always thought men with long hair looked ridiculous.

But the way Mason rocked his shaggy locks…

The way it felt to tug his hair when he pressed into me…

I shivered a bit as Mason growled under his breath next to me, as if I needed to stop distracting him from his purpose.

Cassius gave me a small smile before Mason’s father cleared his threat and said, “Shall we begin?”