“There is nothing to say that hasn’t already been said.” Mason shrugged, his voice cool. “I’m here to lead my people. You are no longer needed.”

Mason’s father slammed his hands onto the table as he looked between his son and me. “And what of her? Do you truly think your people will accept anything other than a human mate? One chosen for you so you can have children?”

I frowned. “Who says I can’t?”

“Lass—” Mason’s brother gave his head a small shake.

Cassius grinned as if it was the best day of his life.

“What?” I crossed my arms. “I’m not just a vampire—”

Mason hissed out a curse.

“Abomination!” his father yelled. “She is both vampire and goddess. She cannot rule by your side. It is forbidden.” Something flashed in his eyes before he turned and stomped off.

Mason’s brother sighed and held out his hand to me. I took it while he kissed the inside of my wrist. “I’m sure his mother would have loved you.”

Mason tensed.

“When did she die?”

He gave me a funny look, “She dinna—” He hung his head. “—she—”

“Tell him.” Cassius leveled Mason’s brother with a glare. “Tell him, Tarick.”

Tarick went completely pale.

Mason frowned. “Tell me what?”

Tarick collapsed into one of the chairs and leaned over the large marble table. “She dinna get murdered, Mason.” His expression was bleak. “She took her own life essence when father pushed you to mate, to become king. His intentions… they were not in the right place, and she knew it, it is what was passed down to me in hushed secrets after her death, after you left.”

“What do you mean?”

Tarick cursed under his breath. “He was trying to prevent you… from finding… her.”

All eyes fell to me.

And suddenly, I was sick all over again.

More pieces of the puzzle came together in a wave of memories, in the dreams I’d had searching for my wolf.

In the dreams every year that had haunted me.

Until this year.

When I’d finally found him.


I almost collapsed against the wall. “No.” I gave my head a shake, hoping to get the betrayal out of my skin. It was a poison. My own family? “Why would he do that? Why would she let him?”

Cassius stood to his full height. “When one makes a deal with an angel… when one sells his soul… blood must be spilled. A life for a life. When Bannick saved you, fused your blood with Serenity, he bonded your lives together. Together you’d have strength beyond your wildest imaginations. Apart, you would always thirst, always yearn for more. You would experience an emptiness in your soul.” Cassius nodded. “I finally understand. I can finally see.” His eyes were white as he looked to Mason and whispered, “You must fight.”

He disappeared in a flash of light, much the same way he came.

Tarick’s mouth dropped open. “He always do that?”

“Unfortunately.” I licked my lips and tried to think. “Tarick, how many of the men are loyal to me?”