Page 90 of Hook Shot (Hoops 3)

I just called Kenan my man. After telling him today that I don’t belong to him, I just claimed him in my head. And I think I would cut a bitch if she tried to take him from me. Exes included.

“Babe?” Kenan peers down at me, frowning. “You okay?”

No, I’m not okay, I scream in my head. I’m falling for you, and this is not part of the plan. Shiiiiiiiiiit. And double shit.

“Uh, yeah.” I fan one hand. “It’s a little hot.”

“Let’s wait for them inside.” He thumbs over his shoulder to the restaurant. I glance up at the mustard yellow awning emblazoned with Serafina. It’s one of my favorite spots for Italian. The girls and I have hit it a few times after The Met, but it’s close to Central Park, too.

I nod and Kenan takes my elbow to guide me in. He’s also, unlike Chase and most of the douches I’ve been with, a gentleman. I need to start my list of reasons to stop falling. Not reasons why I should.

We take the stone stairs to the top level where there’s balcony seating. It’s always crowded, and the restaurant doesn’t have a ton of space, but the food is great, and we can get to the park pretty quickly from here.

We’ve ordered drinks and an appetizer when his sister arrives. She’s tall, which shouldn’t surprise me considering she is Kenan’s sister and plays in the WNBA. Her features also echo Kenan’s in subtle ways. He stands, his smile wide and natural, as he reaches to hug her.

“Kenya,” he says, turning to me. “This is Lotus DuPree. Lotus, my sister, Kenya.”

“What’s up?” Kenya studies me carefully, cautiously. I sense the protectiveness for her brother, and I like her right away. He’s been through a lot, and she should vet anyone who enters his life and has such intimate access to him.

“Hi.” I stand and reach for her hand. “Nice to meet you.”

“Yeah, you, too.” She slants a teasing look at Kenan. “I’ve heard sooooo much about you. Like, so much.”

“Shut up, Ken,” Kenan says, shooting her a quick frown, and they seem so much like a typical brother and sister it makes me smile. “Introduce me to your friend.”

A slim woman steps into view from behind Kenya, holding her hand. She’s pretty with smooth skin the color of rich mocha. No makeup that I can detect. Long, curly lashes frame her big brown eyes. She wears baggy jeans, Chucks and a white Public Enemy T-shirt. Cornrows peek out from the edges of an Oakland Raiders cap.

“This is Jade,” Kenya says. “Jade, my brother, Kenan, and his . . .” She looks between the two of us as if she’s waiting for confirmation on how she should refer to me.

“This is my girlfriend, Lotus,” Kenan answers dryly. “Nice to meet you, Jade. I haven’t heard as much about you. Kenya’s been keeping secrets.”

“That’s aight,” Jade says with a chuckle. “Nobody been talking about her ass either.”

We all laugh, sit, and settle into easy conversation over my Chardonnay, Kenan’s water, and the beers the two girls order.

“So you work in fashion?” Kenya asks.

I’m mid-bite of my orecchiette pasta when she asks, so I gulp it down and wipe my mouth with a napkin before answering. “I do. For Jean-Pierre Louis.”

“Never heard of her,” Kenya says, picking up a slice of her pizza.

“Him,” I correct with a smile. “He’s the founding designer for JPL Maison.”

“Fancy.” Jade chuckles. “If it’s not Converse, Nike or Gap, you have to school me.”

“Kenya, your brother already told me you play ball.” I turn the question back around to them. “And what do you do, Jade?”

“I write music,” Jade says and shrugs. “Been doing it all my life, but kinda new at getting paid for it. So far, so good.”

“Speaking of which,” Kenya says, glancing at her watch, “should we be heading to the park? The show starts soon, right, babe?”

Jade nods and glances at her phone, lit up with a text message. “Oh, this is Grip. Lemme see what he’s talking about.”

My mouth is hanging open. Kenan gently presses my chin up to close my lips and whispers, “You surprised or just catching flies?”

“She knows Grip?” I whisper back, hoping I’m being discreet, but I’m low-key about to lose my shit.

“Yeah. Kenya says they’re cousins. I didn’t tell you? We have front-row seats. We’ll go backstage to meet him after.”