Page 91 of Hook Shot (Hoops 3)

“Um, nope,” I say. “You skipped right over that part.”

“I’ll have to communicate better now that you’re my girlfriend,” he says. His smile fades. “I just said it and didn’t even ask you if it was okay or if—”

I don’t consider his sister or his sister’s girlfriend sitting right there, but lean forward to cut off his explanation with a kiss. It’s quick, but it’s enough. He cups my face, and he kisses me again, longer, and with such tenderness it soothes the soreness from my confrontation with Chase. Not the bruises on my arms, but the other ways Chase hurt me today. Violating my privacy. His attempts to objectify me. Every way he tried to make me feel less fades in the shadow of this kiss.

“For real, though?” Kenya’s amused voice butts in. “Y’all just going for it at the table?”

Kenan’s fingers tighten on my face so I don’t pull away. “Yup,” he says against my lips with a smile. “Can you blame me?”

When I pull away, Jade is texting her famous cousin, I presume, but Kenya is looking at me, and her eyes brim with as much concern as humor.

“I’m gonna run to the restroom before we go,” Kenan says

. “Be right back.”

When he’s gone, I look at Kenya, waiting for whatever comes next.

“So here’s the deal,” she says slowly. “I need to know what’s up with you.”

I lift my chin and take the last sip of my wine before setting the glass back down.

“What’s up with me?” I ask. “In what way? What do you mean?”

“You know the deal with Bridget’s drama,” she says. “I heard she rolled up in your job.”

“Damn,” Jade mutters, flicking a glance at me before turning her attention back to her phone.

“When all that shit came out, if Kenan hadn’t stopped me, I would have kicked Bridget’s ass,” Kenya says, her face serious. “And that’s the truth. I just wanna know if I’m gonna have to kick yours at some point for doing my brother wrong.”

I always did admire the direct approach.

“Don’t be fooled by my size,” I start by telling her. “My ass doesn’t get kicked.”

“Guess she told you,” Jade mumbles, still typing on her phone.

“Is that right?” Kenya asks, a grin starting on her lips.

“That is right.” I tap the stem of the wineglass. “And I have no intention of hurting Kenan. I care about him a lot.”

“He cares about you a lot, too.” She chuckles and shakes her head. “I thought he was gonna get himself arrested when he saw that photo. I had to hold him back, and he never loses control.”

Her mouth slowly straightens from the smile into a line, so like Kenan’s. “If I hadn’t been there, he would have kicked that guy’s ass for sure.”

I rub my arms, wincing at the lingering tenderness from the bruises hidden beneath my sleeves. I’m even more determined that Kenan won’t see them.

“That situation is handled,” I assure her. “I’ve dealt with Chase.”

“Does Kenan know that?”

“Does Kenan know what?” he asks, frowning between the two of us.

“Hey,” Jade says, standing. “We gotta roll. The car’s outside to take us.”

“It’s only a few minutes away,” I say. “We could walk.”

Kenya and Kenan look at each other and say together, “New Yorkers.”

“Y’all want to walk everywhere.” Kenya laughs and follows Jade to the exit. Kenan and I are right behind.