By the time I returned to Trick, I strangely felt ready to get out for a while.

He was reading something on his phone when I stopped before him and opened my arms wide, ready for a new critique.

Sensing my presence, he looked up and did a slow, big brotherly inspection, then nodded. “Alright. Let’s go.”

And so we went.

“You know, kid,” he started in on me as soon as we were in his car with the engine roaring and tires rolling down the street. “I know getting dumped hurts. I’ve been there. Breakups are never fun. But so what if it didn’t work out with you and what’s his face. The guy didn’t deserve you. Now’s the time to get out there and chase some new tail. You know...” He nudged his elbow across the seat in my direction and waggled his brows. “You’re in college, for God’s sake. This is the era where you explore and—and...?


I watched him as he fumbled for the next line. “And what?”

“And…” He hissed a curse and splayed out a fed-up hand. “And just get out and explore, damn it. Do I look like some inspirational quote poster to you? Or my dad?”

“Well, actually…” I squinted at him. “You do look a lot like your dad, since, you know, he’s your dad.”

“The point is...” Trick stressed, talking over me. “If I have to watch that crotchety old Nebuchadrezzar guy make out with his house one more time in that stupid movie you won’t stop watching—”

“His name’s Nebbercracker.”

“I’m going to lose my fucking shit and hurt someone,” Trick added, beginning to raise his voice. “And that someone will probably be you. So for your own health—”

“Yeah, you don’t do heart-to-hearts like your dad, at all.”

“You need to get over this already!” Trick finished on a yell.

I winced and covered my ears. “Okay. Wow. Heard ya.”

“Jesus.” Shaking his head, Trick slowed the car and pulled to the curb in front of a tiny bungalow-style, light blue house with white trim.

“Umm...” I squinted out the passenger side window. “This doesn’t look like the ice cream parlor.”

“It’s not. Constance lives here.”

My eyebrows lifted with interest as I whirled to gape at him. “Constance? You mean hot Constance who’s in a group project with you in one of your boring, graduate, law degree classes?”

He frowned. “Yes. And stop calling her that. I never should’ve mentioned she was attractive. Now stay here, be good, and I’ll be right back. She just texted, so I know she’s home. I’m going to run in real quick and grab some notes from her because I missed class this week. Alright?”

“Right.” I sent him a big, obvious wink. “I’ll stay right here. You get some notes.” I made air-quotes around the word notes.

He rolled his eyes as he opened his door. “You’re such a moron. Just stay here, okay? Oh!” He paused before getting out so he could snap his fingers and point a finger at me. “And beware of Maverick.”

“Maverick?” I lifted my eyebrows. “Who’s Maverick? Does Hot Constance have a dog?”

“No. Constance—just Constance—does not have a dog. Maverick is human, and Constance has been staying with him for a few weeks. He’s big and cranky and hotheaded. And he probably eats sweet little things like you for breakfast, so...” He shook the finger he was pointing and made a face. “Well, you know,” he finished. Then he got out of the car, slamming the driver’s side door behind him.

“Yeah,” I said to the empty interior. “You definitely do not have Uncle Pick’s way with words, man. Not even a little.”

Which was sad. It was just sad.

Watching Trick walk up to the front door and knock before he was admitted inside, I sighed.

Time to play lookout boy, I guess.

Chapter Two
