What was even the point of higher education? What was the point of anything?

When the front door blew open suddenly and a figure filled the entrance before stepping inside, I sucked in a breath and lifted my head.


But, no, it was only Trick.

Sighing in disappointment, I flopped my cheek back onto the cushion.

“Hey, kid,” he started, only to glance toward the television and groan as he slowed to a stop. “Are you serious? Monster House? Again?”

“What? Get off my back. It’s an epic movie.”

“Okay. That’s it.” He stalked toward me and slapped my feet off the other end of the couch.

I know. Rude, right?

“Get up and put your shoes on,” my cousin-who-wasn’t-really-a-cousin ordered. “You’re coming with me.”

“What? Why?” I whined. Didn’t he realize I just wanted to lie here and suffer? “Where’re we going?”

“Out for ice cream. A burger. I don’t care. You just gotta get away from the apartment for a bit, man. Have you even attended class this week?”


But I wrinkled my nose and answered, “I think so.”

He sighed and set his hands on his hips as he glanced up at the ceiling, probably seeking divine guidance before he faced me again. “That means no. Jesus, Cress, you’re going to ruin your entire future if you keep this up, and then your parents are going to blame me because I’m supposed to be responsible for you.”

I rolled my eyes. And he said I was the dramatic one. “You are not responsible for me.”

“Yeah,” he argued, lifting his brows. “I pretty much am.”

See, this was the problem with rooming with a guy who was like family and was five years older than you. He turned all big brother and assumed he had to take care of you, while I had thought we’d be more like fun-time roommates.

We’d both been wrong.

“Whatever,” I grumbled as I reluctantly got to my feet and slumped across the room to get some shoes. “Let’s just get this over with.”

I didn’t even consider telling him no. Knowing Trick, he’d only nitpick and harp until I did something to satisfy him.

“Alright,” I told him, knowing exactly how rumpled and unkempt I appeared. “I’m ready.”

He did a once-over of my appearance and wrinkled his nose. “What the hell is on your shirt?”

I glanced down, saw red smears, and lifted that section of the shirt to my face, sniffing. “Ketchup,” I declared.

“Ugh.” He lifted both hands, warding me away as he winced. “Just... Go change. No, better yet, take a damn shower and then find some fresh clothes. And put a rush on it, will you? I don’t got all day.”

“Gah. You’re so bossy.” But I stomped down the hall, anyway, to do what he said.

Getting ice cream didn’t sound like such a bad idea, actually. And when the pounding, hot spray of shower water first hit me, I sighed in appreciation.

Okay, maybe showers were one reason to live.

When I finished mine, I stepped out and grabbed a towel to dry off, only for my stomach to grumble.

Food might be another reason to keep going. Especially if it was a milkshake and hamburger meal.