Frozen solid, I gaped, unable to look away. But holy geez. That was some bulge.

Logically, I already knew this. I mean, I’d wrapped my hand around it last night, hadn’t I?

Oh Lord, I’d actually come in here and grabbed the poor guy’s pecker. It seemed too surreal to be possible.

But I’d been acting on pure rage and adrenaline, too intent to get back at Topher to even focus on Wick. I hadn’t been in the right frame of mind to realize what the heck I was doing, or register just how massively he was built.

“Dear God,” I breathed, blinking at it now, unable to notice anything else.

I kind of wanted to reach out and wrap my hand around it again, right through the cloth of his boxer briefs. But this time, I would take the time to appreciate what I was handling, which was odd for me. I’d never been a huge fan of penises before. After seeing Topher’s for the first time, my curiosity had been appeased, and that was pretty much that for me.

But Wick’s fascinated me.

I wanted to see his. Touch it. Maybe even—

When I realized where my brain was headed, I popped to my feet—mortified—and hurried from his room. My breathing had picked up, and my skin felt sensitive. Even my breasts were tighter.

Realizing I’d become aroused, I shook my head in wonder. After the things Topher had said to me last night, I was almost certain I would want to shrivel up inside myself and shy away from intimacy for a good long while. He’d done a stellar job of making me feel really cruddy about myself.

But Wick had done a better job of building me back up. Somewhere between the point where I’d called it quits with him and I’d fallen asleep against him, all the trauma Topher had put me through seemed to be…well, just not so significant anymore.

I breathed out a deep breath of gratitude and smiled.

I could do this. I could move on and overcome. I might even honestly want sex again someday.

I was coping so well that I actually answered my friend Sloan when she called to ask if our group could get together that evening. I hadn’t talked to the girls yet because I wasn’t sure which way the wind would blow with them since we’d only become friends via Topher. But I figured I’d avoided them long enough. It was time to feel things out.

Done with classes and my practicum for the day, I caught up on some homework and then popped into the shower before dolling myself up to meet them for drinks at seven.

This would be my first public appearance in the social scene since the breakup. Nervous, I went all out, slipping on heels and a short, turtleneck blue dress with a flaring skirt and bare shoulders. Accentuating it with a ton of clunky bracelets and hoop earrings, I went dramatic with the makeup before dabbing on my favorite perfume that Topher had never liked—but I adored. Stepping back to examine the outcome in my mirror, I nodded to my reflection.

Oh yeah. Even I had to admit I was at the top of my game.

From the front of the apartment, I heard the front door open and close. Wick must be home from practice.

Uninvited, an image of him sleeping and aroused this morning filtered through my head, and a shiver consumed me. I wondered when I’d get the chance to accidentally fall asleep on him again. I kind of wanted to feel that bulge of his one more time, along with his solid, warm, good-smelling weight. Maybe run my hands up his muscled arms, over the slopes of his shoulders, down his back. Oh yeah. There should be an artform created solely for ways in which one could touch such a scintillating man.

But what the heck was I thinking? I doubted I’d ever get that close to him again.

“Down, girl,” I warned

myself. No fantasizing about the roommate.

Literally shaking the desire off by wiggling my fingers at my sides, I blew out a breath and left the bathroom to raid the kitchen.

The girls never went out to eat or ordered food whenever we got together. A fan of food myself, this drove me crazy. So tonight, I knew better than to leave the house hungry. After scouring the cabinets, I settled on a jar of peanut butter. Finding some pre-cut celery stalks in the refrigerator, I leaned against the counters, screwed off the peanut butter lid, and scooped out a healthy chuck with my celery.

I was just about finished snacking when Wick wandered in.

“Is there anything to eat in here? I’m starv—” he started, only to skid to a stop when he saw me.

“Celery and peanut butter?” I offered, holding up the stick.

He blinked, his body frozen but eyes traveling as they trekked all over me.

“You…” was all he could manage to say.

“Huh?” I glanced down to where he was looking and remembered the dress and heels. “Oh. Yeah. I’m going out with the girls tonight.”