“Yeah,” he echoed before quirking his eyebrows and clearing his throat, even as his gaze remained stuck to my outfit.

I rolled my eyes, trying to blow it off, when honestly, his staring really boosted my confidence.

Thank you, Wick.

I wanted everyone to see me as thriving from this breakup. No one was allowed to know it had brought me down, even in the slightest. And from his expression, I knew I looked good.

To him, however, I shrugged. “They keep calling, concerned, and I think I’ve avoided them long enough, so…”

He nodded as if he understood. Then he repeated, “Yeah,” making me wonder if he’d heard a single word I’d said after all.

Then he turned away in a rush and hurried to the refrigerator to see what was inside. As he bent slightly, examining the contents, I couldn’t help but notice the way his sweatpants pulled taut across his ass.

Damn, he had a nice ass.

Clearing my throat, I focused my attention on the peanut butter in my arms when it struck me, I’d never thanked him for the peanut butter.

“Oh, hey, thanks for all the new groceries, by the way.” I didn’t have the nerve to mention how I was aware of the way he’d made sure to get all the food I’d lost at Dandridge Hall. It seemed too intimate of a thing to air aloud.

“Mm-hmm,” he answered, closing the fridge and turning to the cabinet to open doors. When he closed them without removing a single item, he stood there a moment with his hand still on the knob. Then he glanced my way over his shoulder, his gaze landing on my outfit once again.

I lifted the jar in my hand and offered, “Peanut butter?”

“No,” he said when his gaze finally found mine. I couldn’t read a single thing he was thinking before he added, “I think I’m going to eat out,” and he left the kitchen as quickly as he’d come into it.

“Okay,” I said slowly to the empty room. That had definitely been odd. But I shrugged it off and put the peanut butter away.

I made it to the club where I’d agreed to meet the girls about twenty minutes later. As soon as I stepped inside, I felt instantly exposed and alone. And uneasy.

God, this felt so awkward. When was the last time I’d gone out solo to social shit?

Feeling as if everyone was staring and judging, I made a point to straighten my shoulders boldly and then reposition the purse hanging at my side as I scanned the room for Manda, Viv, and Sloan.

Fake it ’til you make it, right?

They waved, helping me spot them, so I smiled and headed their way.

“We already ordered for you, sweetie,” Sloan announced, lifting a glass with fruit in it my way.

“Oh my God, you’re a lifesaver.” Sending her an appreciative glance, I took the glass and drank deeply, trying not to chug, but sort of failing.

The other three stared sympathetically, tipping their heads to the side as they watched. So I flushed, set the drink down, and shimmied myself onto the last available stool at the table.

Manda immediately slid her fingers across the tabletop toward me as if to envelop my hands in hers, even though she never actually touched me. “Hey, how’re you doing?” Her voice, and eyes, and whole damn demeanor screamed pity.

I kind of hated it.

So, I sent the group a big smile to show them I was great. “I’m…” But that’s as far as I got. Slumping a bit, I blew out the brave act and admitted, “I’ve been better.”

“Oh, honey,” they all started. “It’s okay.”

“We’re here for you.”

“It must’ve been just awful.”

“Yeah, I’m still trying to wrap my head around it.” This time, when I smiled, it was genuine. “But thank you,” I said, relieved to get so much support. “I’m getting through.”

“We heard you moved out, like that night,” Viv put in, shaking her head in amazement. “Where did you go?”