“Because...” She looked at me as if I’d lost my mind. “Obviously JB’s brother, Luke, will be godfather by default. Neither Teagan nor JB have a sister.”

“Oh. Right,” I murmured, shaking my head and finding a shirt to wear. “I should’ve known that.” Obviously. Even though I had no idea who Luke and JB even were. Then I straightened, completely dressed…except for socks and shoes. “Let’s go win you that godmother spot, then.”

As I slid my glasses on, Haven nodded. “Okay. I’ll get the bag. You—” She blinked at me a moment before she scowled and set a hand on her hip. “Seriously, Wickham? You pulled out the glasses? Are you trying to distract me from my mission just so I’ll crawl back into bed with you and ravish you like crazy?”

“Uh…” What?

Wait, did Haven have a glasses fetish? No way.

When she took a step toward me, licking her lips as if she wanted to devour me whole, my eyebrows perked up. Pushing my glasses up with my middle finger in classic Clark Kent mode, I grinned. “Honestly, I was just hoping to see with them. But… If you want to crawl back into bed and ravish me like crazy, I wouldn’t object.”

“Well, look at you.” She grinned proudly as she stopped before me to run both her hands slowly over my pecs and up my chest so she could wrap her fingers around the back of my neck and tug my face down. “All smug and happy over how easily you turn me on.”

Hell yes, I was. Three years ago, I never thought this would be possible. But here she was, my dream girl, coming on to me. It blew my mind. Growling out a pleased groan when she kissed me, I enveloped her waist with my arms and tugged her snugly against me so she could also feel how happy I was.

“Mmm,” she purred. “Yes, please.” Reaching down she gripped me through my jeans, making me suck in a breath.

Yep, I was definitely awake now.

Her head fell back, tumbling her hair down her spine, as I kissed my way along her cheek then to her throat and lower. “Do you really like my glasses?” I asked.

“God, yes,” she moaned.

I beamed. “I may never wear contacts again.”

Hissing out her pleasure over that idea, she squeezed me harder, admitting, “Except that might kill me from ecstasy overdose.”

Desire strangled my chuckle. “Damn, baby,” I told her, backing her toward the bed. “I like the way you talk.”

“Yeah, I can tell,” she started on an appreciative hum as she began to unzip my jeans, only to stop and gasp. “Baby,” she screeched. “Oh my God. We don’t have time for this. We gotta get to that hospital before anyone else does.”

“But—” Spreading my arms wide, I looked down at my abandoned lap area when she deserted it to return to the suitcase on the bed and zip it closed.

“Don’t worry. I’ll pay you back for that, I swear,” she promised, barely glancing my way. “In fact—Oh my God,” she yelped, cutting herself off, because her mind was in leapfrog mode, skipping from thought to thought. “Shit, what am I doing? I’m so sorry, Wick. I have no idea why I’m dragging you along. Wow, I wasn’t even giving you a choice to stay behind, was I? If you don’t want to come, it’s okay. I can go by myself.”

I paused, looking down at my clothes that I’d miraculously been able to put on all by myself. Ignoring the straining erection tenting my jeans, I shrugged. Haven had taken it for granted that I would just naturally come with her. That meant she thought of us as an us, which was kind of my ultimate fantasy come true. Ergo, no way was I going to do anything to jeopardize her mindset into not thinking of us as us anymore.

So, I said, “Of course I’m coming.”

Haven seemed shocked…in a very pleased way. “Really?”

I nodded. “Hell yes. Why not?”

Rushing back to me, she cupped my face in her hands and gave me a light kiss on the lips. “God, I love you.”

Hearing those words right there was exactly why I had no qualms whatsoever about being awoken from a dead sleep at two in the morning to make a two-hour drive just to see someone else’s cousin’s baby being born.

“Have you seen my shoes though?” I asked when she turned away again.

“Right here.”

I glanced up and had to think quickly, snagging them from the air before they smacked me in the face as Haven tossed them my way.

“How long do you think we’ll be gone?” I asked, wincing as I sat on the mattress to tug them on because having a hard-on in jeans never felt great when you moved wrong.

“Probably just over the weekend. Remind me to thank Teagan for going into labor on a Friday night when both of us had no weekend plans.”

I had no idea what she meant by no-weekend-plans. I’d been planning on making love to her all weekend long and not leaving our bedroom except for food and bathroom runs.