But I guess that thought was on hold for a while.
“I’m sure she scheduled it that way just for you,” I assured her dryly, only to get a whack on the butt for my sarcasm as soon as I stood again.
“Smartass,” Haven teased even as she grinned and ruffled my hair. Then she grabbed the closed suitcase and jerked it off the bed, only to remember, “Ooh. Bingley.” Thrusting the suitcase handle at me, she revised, “I’ll go feed her extra to cover another day, and you take this to the car.”
She raced out of the room before I could answer, so I said, “Yes, ma’am,” to myself. Then I gave the kitten a hearty scratch goodbye and hightailed it out of there.
Haven met me outside, just as I shut our suitcase in the trunk of her car. “Do we need to stop for gas before leaving town?” I asked.
With a shrug, she mumbled, “I don’t know,” and opened the passenger side door, letting me drive since I finally had my license back after the hematoma. “I can’t remember when I last checked the gas gage.”
I sighed. Swear to God, she never checked her fuel level at all. It was one of the many aggravatin
gly adorable things I’d come to love most about her because it was just another one of those little quirks that made me feel needed. I’d miss them like hell if she was no longer around to drive me crazy with them.
She had less than a fourth of a tank left, so we stopped at a gas station on the edge of town. Haven ran inside for “munchies,” and came out with a bag full just as I finished filling the tank.
“I got you Mountain Dew, Snickers, and Slim Jims,” she announced, getting into the car at the same time I did, only to shift her face into a pout. “But they didn’t have any Mike and Ikes, sorry.”
I shut my door and leaned over the center console to kiss her because, damn, I loved having someone in my life who knew what I liked most and got it for me without me even asking. She was my person. Being with her was the best feeling in the world.
“It’s okay,” I murmured against her mouth. “I’ll just supplement the lack of them with your kisses.”
“Mm,” Haven hummed appreciatively, tracing her fingernails along my jaw as I pulled back to the driver’s side to start the car. “You keep talking like that, Mr. Webster, and you just might find yourself getting some road head on this trip.”
I snapped my eyes to her, my mouth falling open. “You’re joking,” I said.
She had to be joking. Because life just didn’t get that good.
Wait. Was she joking?
Laughing at my stunned expression, she murmured in a smoky, seductive voice, “We shall see, my love, we shall see, because anything could happen for two hours alone in a car with me.” Then she winked. “Besides, I told you I’d pay you back for the rain check I gave you just now in the bedroom. You can totally cash that in now if you want.”
Holy shit. My cock thickened in my jeans, already eager and straining to feel the wet suction of her mouth. “Please tell me you have another dozen pregnant cousins who are about to give birth on a weekend night when we have no other plans.”
Haven threw back her head and laughed.
Best sound in the entire world.
Two hours later, we arrived at the hospital where Teagan was still in labor, and let me just say, I loved road trips alone with Haven, because, wow, my girl knew how to rock my world. I might’ve almost driven us into a sign on the side of the road—twice—but damn, it would’ve been worth it.
We raced into the hospital together, holding hands, and reading all the signs on the walls until we found the women’s services level. As we approached the waiting room just outside the maternity ward, where half a dozen people already sat, waiting, Haven slowed to a halt when she spotted someone specific.
“Dammit,” she muttered, causing a woman probably a couple of years older than us to glance up.
When she spotted Haven, she broke into a big grin and hooted, “Sorry, kiddo! You lose. I got here first. Woot, woot!”
“But that’s not fair,” Haven whined, entering the room to hug the girl as she stood. “It took me two freaking hours to get here. And you’re not even her blood cousin.”
“Teagan never said it had to be a blood cousin.” The woman turned to me after hugging Haven. “Hey. You must be Wick, the new man.”
“Uh… Yeah,” I answered lamely, glancing toward Haven as if seeking permission to confirm it. “I guess.”
“He is.” Haven hooked her arm through mine and tilted her head against my shoulder as if proud to show me off. “Wick, this is Chloe. She’s Aunt Eva’s daughter. You may or may not remember that Aunt Eva is Aunt Reese’s cousin, who—you know—is Uncle Mason’s wife.”
“Right,” I said slowly, remembering absolutely none of that.
“There will be a test at the end of the night,” a man teased, standing to meet me as well. He held out a hand, saying, “Luke.”