The door clapped shut again. When it reopened a minute later, Wick stepped into the hallway with me and held up the baggie, revealing everything inside. “One genuinely used condom.”

He extended it to me.

I blinked at it, once again not fully able to believe I was really doing this. Then I reached out and accepted it. “Thank you.”

He trailed me down the hall as I turned and walked away. “So, what’s your plan now?”

I checked the time. “The party’s probably in full swing by this point. I’m going to slip in with the rest of the crowd, undetected, and dart into his room when no one’s looking. He always keeps it unlocked.”

“Uh huh,” Wick answered, dryly. “And what if he’s in there, already occupying it with someone? Or you get detected before you even make it to his room? You don’t have to avoid just him, you know. If any of his goons spot you, they’ll run straight to Nicholl. You’re at least going to go in a costume, completely disguised, right?”

Pausing, I glanced back at him. “A costume. That’s brilliant. Good thinking. It is a Halloween party, isn’t it? I’ll stop by and buy one on the way.”

“Oh Jesus. You hadn’t even thought to wear a costume? Haven, wait.”

When he grabbed my arm, I paused and turned back.

“Dammit,” he muttered when he looked into my face, his pale eyes worried as hell. “I can’t let you go there by yourself.”

“I’m doing this, Wick. I’m sorry, but you’re not talking me out of it.”

“I know.” He stepped closer. “So I’m coming with you.”

Even though the very idea settled the most anxious, scared part of me, I shook my head. “No. If he does by chance catch me and sees you there with me, he’ll think it’s your condom.”

“Well, it is my condom, so…” He shrugged.

“But I don’t want to put a target on your back. We already discussed this; you don’t want to be involved in my revenge plan, either. I’m perfectly fine with that.”

“Haven. You’ve already involved me.” Speaking softly, he reached out and cupped my chin between his fingers to capture my attention. When I met his eyes, he said, “If you get caught there, you’re not getting caught alone. End of story. Now… Let’s go buy two costumes and crash this fucking party before the jizz dries.”

I glanced curiously down at the baggie in my hand. His semen was already running freely from the open end of the condom and plastering itself to the inside of the bag. I grimaced. “Seriously, this has got to be the weirdest thing I’ve ever done.”

“It’s definitely not usual for me, either.” Setting his hand on the base of my back, he guided me down the hall. “Come on. Let’s get this over with.”

In the Halloween aisle at the store, Wick spotted two Scream costumes, which were pretty much the first full-coverage outfits he came across, and he held them up for my approval.

I wrinkled my nose. “Not very original.”

He sent me an incredulous glance. “We’re not going there to win a costume contest.”

“You’re right. Sorry.” Nodding, I blew out a breath and snagged the packages from his hands. “They’ll do fine.”

At the counter, I started to unzip my purse to pay, only for Wick to flash forward and stop me, grabbing my hand, which made me remember I’d put the baggie in there before leaving the apartment.

“I’ll pay,” he said forcefully.

I nodded. “Okay.”

Damn, I wasn’t thinking right tonight. I knew that. And yet, I was still resolved to my mission.

Wick must’ve known it too; he had stopped arguing with me and begging me to back out and he was now working as my brain, since obviously I’d forgotten how to use my own.

We dressed for the party outside the store and tossed the empty packages in the dumpster.

“We look like hoodlums,” I said when I looked up at him and didn’t see “Wick,” just a creepy stranger in a freaky costume. It gave me a second of indecision, and I caught myself actually inching a step away from him, even though I knew he was in there somewhere.

“Well, we’re certainly not on our way to church.” Lifting up his outfit enough to yank his phone from his pocket, he began to text someone.