“Who’re you messaging?” I asked, biting my lip.

Great, he was telling all his friends about his roommate’s batshit crazy idea, wasn’t he? My stomach churned with unease.

“I had plans with Cannon and the guys,” he answered distractedly. “I’m canceling.”

“Oh,” I winced. “Sorry.”

He glanced at me but said nothing. And I realized if I were truly sorry about ruining his plans with his friends, I would call this whole thing off and let him go home now. But I didn’t let him go. I took his hand and led the way to Topher’s building.

We could hear the party as soon as we stepped through the front door, even though Topher’s place was on the second level. We took the stairs up, waving at people who greeted us along the way and commented on our costumes. Some of them were Topher’s pals, who would’ve run straight to him if they had known who we really were under our Scream faces.

The entrance to his apartment was wide open but clogged with people trying to go in and more trying to leave all at the same time. Most of them carried drinks and already seemed to be three sheets to the wind. When someone handed me an open can of beer, I accepted it and carried on, only to reach back and grab Wick’s hand behind me so we wouldn’t get separated.

It took us about three minutes to actually squeeze our way into Topher’s apartment.

“Jesus,” Wick muttered in my ear as he moved in close behind me, his front pressing directly to my back. “Are his parties always like this?”

“Ridiculous, isn’t it?” I answered. This was one thing I wouldn’t be missing, for sure. I much preferred more intimate, fun gatherings where I knew everyone there and could be more relaxed and myself.

From not too far away, I heard Topher’s voice and then his laughter. Wick heard it too. He tightened his grip on my fingers and touched my hip supportively with his other hand. I squeezed back and hurried us along, weaving through the hordes until we reached the back hall that led to Topher’s room. Since I’d just heard my ex near the front of the apartment, I knew he couldn’t be in his room, but I held my breath, anyway, as I gripped the doorknob, hoping no one else was currently inside, borrowing his bed. Then I pushed the door open.

The light was off, but a night lamp next to the bed was on, revealing the place was unoccupied. Thank God. I dragged Wick inside, causing him to trip after me, so I could close the door again as quickly as possible behind us.

Only to be assailed by the smell as soon as we were trapped inside.

“Oh God,” I groaned, wrinkling my nose

as I set my beer down on the table right by the door. “I forgot how strongly his room smelled of his cologne.”

“Jesus Christ,” Wick coughed, yanking off his hooded mask to fan his face. “Does the prick paint his walls with that shit or what?”

“He said he spilled a bottle once, but that was two years ago, and I kind of think it should’ve aired out by now.”

“Wow.” Wick shook his head and winced. “No wonder why he’s not normal. All those fumes have no doubt gone straight to his brain.”

I unzipped my purse as I darted toward the bed. The sheets already looked tossed enough—Topher never made his bed—so I didn’t bother messing with them to make it look as if two people had recently been rolling around together on them. Hell, for all I knew, Topher had just been rolling around on them with someone.

Yanking out the baggie, I open the top and poured the condom out, cum dripping everywhere onto Topher’s sheets.

Wick stopped by me to watch, wrinkling his nose in disgust. “Just so you know,” he murmured. “No guy would ever dispose of his condom like that.”

“Well, the guy getting back at Topher with me just did,” I stated, only to realize. “Shit!”

“What?” Instantly on alert, Wick grabbed my arm, totally ready to whisk me out of there to safety.

“I forgot the bra I was going to leave.” I met his gaze and winced. “The one he gave me.”

“You have got to be fucking kidding me?” When I shook my head, he sent me a stern glare. “We are not coming back here again. This was a one-time trip, Haven. Jesus Christ. You know—”

“I know, I know,” I snapped, flapping my hands to beat back the anxiety. Then I paused, wondering if maybe…hmm…yeah. It was worth a try.

Tearing off my mask, I tugged out the front of my shirt in order to peer down at my cleavage and check out the bra I was currently wearing.

“Yep, this one will do,” I decided. It might not be the one I had originally wanted to use—the one Topher had given me—but he should definitely remember this one too.

Wadding my costume into a ball, I shoved it toward Wick for safekeeping.

He accepted it readily even as he asked, “What’re you doing?”