"Uh huh. I bet."

"Well, what're you doing back here?" her mother countered.

"I'm looking for Malloy," Willow said, sounding suddenly annoyed.

Raith tensed, sure he was going to be caught any second now.

"Ran off again, did he?" the judge said in a dry voice. "Why am I not surprised?"

"Walter," Brenda scolded. "Be nice. I like him."

"Why?" her husband asked, incredulously. "Because the kid knocked up our daughter? Or because he deserted her afterward?"

Raith scowled and opened his mouth as if to defend himself, totally forgetting he was supposed to be hiding, when Willow spoke up on his behalf.

"He did not desert me," she muttered. "We had... a small tiff and... went to our own corners for a while to cool off before talking everything through again." Her explanation sounded weak, as if she didn't even believe the words herself.

Something hard and painful thudded against the bottom of Raith's stomach. Oh, God. She didn't think he had left her, did she? A cold sweat dripped down the back of this neck. He swiped at it, staring blindly down the hall. Had he honestly made her feel abandoned?

"Besides," Brenda DeVane was saying, "he came back, didn't he? So, behave around him, Walt, and don't go trying to run him off. Willow wants to keep him and I can't say I blame her any." Then she giggled. "The boy's a complete hunk."

In the shadows, Raith's eyebrows lifted.

"Excuse me?" The judge thundered.

"Oh, don't be jealous, dear. I still love you," his wife assured him in a sugary sweet tone.

"I'm not jealous," Walt muttered. "I'm concerned. My wife is ogling men half her age."

"Geez, Daddy," Willow said. "She's just old, not blind."

Brenda DeVane laughed again and Raith could picture the judge giving his daughter a dirty look.

"Now, Wally," Brenda said, her voice placating. "You were still better looking when you were that age." She must've kissed him then because Willow started squawking.

"Oow, gross. Can't you guys control yourselves a little better? God, it's a wonder I'm not emotionally scarred from seeing you two suck face all the time."

"Actually," Brenda said. "I read it's healthier for a child's development to have affectionate parents."

"In that case, Chase and I should be the healthiest children on earth," Willow muttered before adding, "Okay, off with you two. Quit necking in the corner and go visit your guests. I need to find my date."

"If he deserted you tonight, I'm going to break his nose," the judge growled.

"Well, thank you, Daddy," Willow cooed. "I appreciate the concern. Now go."

Raith heard the footsteps move off, and he relaxed. As he moved forward to leave the hall, a silhouette suddenly filled the entrance, blocking his way. The woman standing there set her hands on her hips.

"Well, well," Willow drawled. "Look who's turned into a little peeping Tom."

"It's not funny," he muttered, moving toward her. "I got freaking trapped back there, listening to your parents go at it. I couldn't find another exit, and there was no way I was going to break up their little... session."

"Oh, you poor baby, you." Willow reached for his face and stroked it soothingly. "Was it just awful?"

"Yes. I didn't think they were going to stop. If you hadn't come along, I doubt they would've." Raith tugged her into his arms and nuzzled his face against her hair.

"Welcome to my world," she murmured, sounding amused. She lifted her fingers into his hair, almost tentatively. He hummed and smiled as her nails gently raked his scalp. "You can't imagine how many times I've walked in on those two caught in a lip lock."

For some reason, it was on the tip of Raith's tongue to say, "Think we'll be like that in forty years?" but he stopped himself at the last moment.