At one point, however, he had to empty his bladder. After Willow instructed him on the location of a more private bathroom, he quickly excused himself. As he stepped from the lavatory to return to the rest of the party, he heard Judge DeVane's voice come from the end of the hall.

Realizing Willow's father was having a private moment with someone, Raith paused and stayed hidden in the hallway as not to interrupt them. It didn't take long for him to understand exactly what kind of private moment the judge was having though.

"Thank God I've finally got you alone," he murmured in a husky voice, making Raith jerk to a halt and cock an eyebrow.

"Walt!" a female hissed quietly. "What are you doing? Everyone's going to notice us missing and wonder where we are!"

Raith's mouth dropped. He couldn't believe it. The judge was cornering some woman inside his wife's home. Feeling betrayed on Brenda DeVane's behalf, he burned to hear more, as Walter muttered, "With all the food and drink to go around, they won't notice us missing for another week."

A sound of grappling clothes followed and then someone sucked in a breath. Raith frowned harder. Damn it, he liked Willow's mother. The woman certainly didn't deserve to have her husband cheating on her while she was throwing him a surprise party.

"Walt!" the woman said again, this time her voice was breathless and dizzy with desire. "I'm serious. Someone's going to catch us."

"But I wanted to thank my wife properly for all the hard work she put into making tonight so wonderful." The judge growled, sounding a lot like a lion on the prowl for its mate.

Raith's mouth dropped open again as he heard Brenda DeVane gasp. Realizing it was his own wife the judge was seducing made Raith's skin feel funny. It was kind of sweet, though, and his lips tipped in amusement... until one of them moaned.

He grimaced. Shit. He was going to be stuck here, listening to Willow's parents get it on. The quiet rustle of clothes and the murmured voices was enough to make him blush. Geez, Raith was a cop, for God's sake. Nothing embarrassed him.

But then he heard a soft thump and Willow's mother let out a shuddering sound that was way too much like the little noise Willow made when she got all hot and bothered. Holy hell, he realized, his cheeks blazing. Th

ey were seriously going to have sex with him stuck there listening to it.

If only there was another way out of this damn hall.

"Uncle," Brenda gasped in a high, breathless voice. "I give. Walt, I can't—"

Her words were cut off by what Raith assumed was another lengthy kiss. He lifted his eyebrows, impressed. He had no idea the old judge had it in him.

Brenda finally relented. "Let's go somewhere more private." Raith stopped breathing, hoping they weren't going to turn and come down this hall and catch him stuck there, eavesdropping. But the judge let out a pleased, husky chuckle.

"But what about our guests?" His voice taunted.

"Screw 'em," Brenda panted.

Unable to stop himself, Raith grinned. The woman sounded so much like her daughter, a wealth of affection welled inside him. Suddenly, he wanted to be the one huddled in that nook around the corner, making Willow forget her hosting duties and saying—

"I love you. God, how I love you." Raith froze as he heard the judge. Walter DeVane laughed softly after making his confession. "Do you ever get tired of hearing me say that?"

Brenda hummed thoughtfully a moment before answering, "Not yet. But give it another fifty years and ask me again."

"Brat," the judge said with an affectionate chuckle. Then he grew somber. "Really, Brenda. Thank you for the surprise party. I can't believe you were able to do all this without me finding out."

"Oh, go on with you," Brenda grumbled. "I've never been able to keep anything from you. You knew exactly what was going on."

The judge was guiltily quiet for a moment, then he answered, "I was still honored you went to so much trouble."

"Well, you're welcome," Brenda answered, "and thank you for managing to look so surprised."

"Anything for you."

Usually, Raith would be rolling his eyes right about now, having to listen to such cheesy, romantic bullshit. But for some reason, he was touched. It was endearing to meet a couple who'd been together as long as Willow's parents and hear their heart-felt proclamations. He was starting to feel a little envious when he suddenly heard Willow's voice.

"What're you two doing back here by yourselves? Hmm?"

Raith's pulsed leaped, and the blood started to drum through his body. God, just hearing her voice could stir him. The thought scared him as much as it thrilled.

"We're... ahem." Judge DeVane cleared his throat. "Your mother and I were just discussing the fork supply."