Unless. . .you’ve already told yours. But from the way you talked, I assumed you hadn’t told anyone yet.”
She shook her head. “No. I haven’t.”
“Okay.” He nodded. “Then we should do that together.”
“All right,” she muttered reluctantly. But that was definitely going to be one chore she wanted to put off.
When she glanced at him, though, and saw the expectant look in his eyes, she winced. “What? Right now?”
He scowled. “When exactly did you plan on telling them? After the baby’s born?”
She shrugged a little guiltily. “I don’t know. But putting it off for as long as possible did sound like a good plan.”
Grady sighed. “We can’t put it off now we know the word’s spreading. Our families need to learn from us. . .especially your side.”
“My side!? Why especially my side?”
“Probably because my folks wouldn’t think twice if they heard you were pregnant. They wouldn’t know it’s mine. But it’s pretty obvious the baby is yours. . .so, it’s more urgent to tell your side.”
She sighed out a sound of disgust. “God. . . Fine, let’s get this over with then.”
Since Grady won the argument over telling their families together and right away, he let her drive when she insisted.
Leroy and Jeb were still at the hangar, working when she and Grady arrived. Buck was gone, no doubt home with his bitchy wife and bratty daughter.
And Rudy was absent as well, more than likely at some bar, getting drunk off his ass.
Stopping in the doorway, B.J. could feel Grady stumble to a halt beside her. From the corner of her eye, she saw him glance at her curiously, probably worried she was going to chicken out.
But that wasn’t what she did.
He wanted her to make the announcement. So, she’d announce.
Cupping her hands around her mouth, she hollered into the huge tin building. “Hey!” she yelled, her voice echoing back to her.
Pop turned, and Leroy set down the blowtorch he was getting ready to use.
“If anyone cares to know. We’re having a baby.”
Chapter Ten
With that said, B.J. turned to stalk off. Grady remained in the wide entrance, staring after her. A clanging of metal sounded from Leroy’s direction, probably him dropping the blowtorch.
B.J. finally glanced back and, yep, her brother was scurrying to pick up his fallen equipment.
“You coming?” she asked Grady.
But the voice of her father shouted out, “Get your tail back here.”
B.J. muttered a curse, closed her eyes, and turned in Pop’s direction. Grady fell into step beside her. It shocked her just how comforted she was by his automatic show of support. Grady Rawlings might be a quiet, reserved person, giving off the impression he was shy. But he had backbone. He didn’t back down from certain duties, even ones that made her want to run for the hills.
“You’re pulling our leg, ain’t ya?” Leroy said, laughing as he glanced from her to Grady. “I mean, you two. . .” He shook his head and slapped at his knee. “Brat, you couldn’t get a Rawlings to notice you if you stripped naked and—”
“Enough,” Jeb growled and jabbed at his son to shut him up. Then he propped his hands on his hips and glared disapprovingly between B.J. and Grady. “So. . .when’s the wedding?”
Grady looked expectantly at her. “That’s what I’d like to know.”