He looked startled by the idea. But a moment later, his gaze settled on her lips. He sucked in a breath when she flicked out her tongue nervously to wet them. He was going to kiss her anyway, damn it. This wasn’t good. If he got her on her back, she’d probably agree to anything he wanted, probably even let him coax her into his ridiculous idea of marriage.

B.J. braced herself, preparing to rebuff his advance and knowing she’d fail.

But he threw her off track when he quietly admitted, “I can’t stop thinking about Houston.”

Her thighs trembled, and her nipples tightened. God, but she couldn’t stop thinking about it either.

“We were good together,” he breathed, tilting his face even closer until their foreheads were centimeters from touching. “And don’t try to disagree with me. I’ll know you’re lying. You liked it just as much as I did.”

“S-so?” she uttered in a suddenly shaky voice. “Good sex does not—”

“It’d be a nice little side benefit, though, wouldn’t it?” His mouth was close enough it brushed hers with every few words he spoke.

“Just imagine it.” His warm breath caressed her face. “Any time you wanted it, there I’d be. You could wake up on a lazy Saturday morning, roll toward me, and take me any way you wanted.”

She swallowed, helpless but to imagine it.

“I miss that about being married,” he said, tugging free of her hold on his wrist so he could bring his fingers back to her face. Tracing the bottom curve of her lip, he continued. “I miss knowing someone was beside me to touch and kiss whenever I wanted. But knowing it’d be you would be even more. . .”

He didn’t finish the sentence, but he didn’t have to. Closing her eyes, B.J. lifted her face in surrender. Grady took her offered lips greedily, drinking the taste of her, straight off her tongue. Groaning, he moved his fingers up into her hair, holding her head steady as he ate at her mouth.

It’d been over a month since they’d been together. But she could still recall the exact texture of his fingers on her. His familiar smell invaded her nostrils, dragging her under and sweeping her into a quickly rising flood of passion. His hands were hot and sure as he stripped off her shirt in one swift move and cupped her breasts.

“Ouch, ouch, ouch,” she cried, going stiff in his arms, yet tightening her grip on him and holding on for dear life. “They’re tender.”

“Sorry,” he rasped.

She thought he’d leave the swollen members alone. But telling him they were ultra sensitive only seemed to make him more interested. Gentling his touch, he pushed down the cups and gathered the twins in his hands, massaging with a skill that made her suck in a breath and arch against him.

“Oh, wow,” she breathed out. “Ahhhhhh.”

She closed her eyes as he kneaded and leaned down to suck one peak into his mouth. And she quickly learned tender breasts not only made them easily hurt but just as easily pleasured. Gritting her teeth, she belted out a stream of curses, thinking if he didn’t get inside her soon, she was going to go off without him.

Seeming to read her mind, Grady picked her up and carried her to the couch. In a frenzy to unbutton her jeans, he growled out a frustrated groan.

“I need more hands,” he muttered. “I want to touch you everywhere, all at once.”

As her pants came undone under his harried ministrations, he paused to place a hot, scorching palm over her stomach, right over their baby. The move jolted her and zapped her back to reality, reminding her how sex would be a really bad idea right now. Too much was still unresolved.

“Stop,” she panted, covering his hands with her shaking fingers.

Grady lifted his face but kept his fingers on their unborn child. His eyes had dilated, and the heat she saw in them about made her forget their problems and drag him down to finish what he’d started. It was a little overwhelming to see just how much he desired her. They weren’t in Houston now. She hadn’t liquored him up first and coerced him into doing the unspeakable. This was pure, hot need in its rawest form, coming at her from a man she’d never thought would willingly want her. But. . .

“This isn’t going to resolve anything,” she said, taking a deep breath.

She wouldn’t stop him if he pressed the matter. In fact, with the slightest cajoling, she’d probably beg him for more until they were both naked and sweaty and depleted from rippling orgasms. But he seemed to realize the timing was wrong too.

Blowing out a breath, he lifted his hands from her and scooted to the other end of the couch. After rearranging his zipper to relieve some of the pressure behind it, he slouched down into the cushions and cradled his head.

B.J. pushed her bra back into place, biting her lip when rough cloth abraded her pouting nipples. Then she went and retrieved her shirt. She noticed he wouldn’t look at her until she slipped the top on and was smoothing it down over her hips.

“I won’t marry you,” she said.

His gaze was unreadable. He studied her a moment and then nodded. “I think we should at least tell our families together.”

B.J. arched an eyebrow. “Tell them what? That we’re not getting married?”

“That you’re pregnant,” he corrected, sending her a scowl for her lame attempt at sarcasm. “