When I struggled to come up with the appropriate phrase, Brick filled in the blanks for me. “Share all the juicy details with me yet?”

“Basically,” I agreed. “We just met last Saturday.”

“Last Saturday?” Brick’s eyebrows shot up in surprise before he let out a low, impressed whistle. “And he’d already gotten you into bed? Wow. Big brother must have some moves hidden up his sleeve after all.”

“Hell yes, he does.” I shivered and purred out a sound of pleasure just thinking about some of those moves.

Brick threw his head back and barked out a ready laugh. “Holy shit, I like you,” he decided. “We’re going to be best friends; I can already tell.”

I wrinkled my face with doubt and sent him a leery glance. “I don’t know, bud. Any best friend of mine is going to have to listen to me bitch about Hayden’s more annoying traits, a lot, and his little brother just doesn’t quite seem like the right choice.”

Brick’s mouth fell open. “Are you kidding me?” he exploded. “Sister, I am the first place you come to bitch about Hayden. I’ve had to put up with that overbearing ass for thirty years now. I mean, come on. Who better would understand his pompous, highbrow—”

“Cruelly sarcastic,” I put in.

“Knows better than anyone,” Brick added.

“Always has to have the last word.”

He pointed at me for coming up with a good one, and then came up with his own. “Purposely says the one thing he knows will piss you off.”

“Asshole,” I finished.

We nodded to each other, only to burst out laughing together.

“Damn, you already know him well,” Brick decided.

I shrugged. “Well, he doesn’t exactly hide his negative side.”

Brick snorted. “No. He’s too busy hiding his good one.”

That made me smile and realize Hayden’s brother had him pegged exactly the same way I did.

“Yeah,” I said softly, remembering all the good things I’d caught glimpses of over the past few days, things I was seeing more and more the closer Hayden and I grew. “He is, isn’t he?”

Watching me curiously as if he wanted to know what I was thinking, Brick finally turned serious. “Just don’t fuck him over, ’kay? He hasn’t had the best track record with women.”

I sent Brick a soft smile. “I know,” I said. “And I won’t. I swear. His mother couldn’t pay me enough to go away.”

As Brick lifted his eyebrows, as if surprised to learn I knew all about his mother paying off Hayden’s past women, I held up a finger. “Because one of these days, I swear, I’m finally going to have the last word with that man, and I’m not going anywhere until I get it.”

Brick threw his head back and laughed.

“Good,” he murmured, nodding his approval. “You keep fighting until you get that word.”

With a pleased sigh, he held out a fist for me to bump. As soon as we stamped our knuckles together, he turned into all-jokes and flirty-brother again. “So, about this sex,” he said, leaning in confidentially closer. “I gotta know what he does that you—”

I cut him off with my laughter, hollering so loud that I had to throw my head back to let it all out. The man really was a man-whore, wasn’t he?

Before I could answer, a voice from the doorway dryly asked, “Am I interrupting?”

With a gasp, I zipped my face toward the entrance of the room to find a fully dressed Hayden leaning against the doorjamb, watching me laugh naked on his bed with his brother. A to-go bag hung from one hand, telling me he must’ve popped out to get us breakfast.

Damn, he could be the sweetest thing. And now my stomach was growling as I wondered what was in the bag.

Next to me, Brick answered, “Yes. I haven’t even gotten her to drop the sheet yet. Give us at least another thirty seconds, will you, bro?”

Hayden pushed away from the door and nonchalantly strolled our way. “I doubt you could figure out how to get her to drop that sheet in thirty years. Gabriella’s a complicated one.” His gaze warmed when he turned his attention to me and stopped next to the bed in order to lovingly stroke his hand over my hair.