I sniffed out an amused smile. When I met her gaze, her smug grin softened into a sympathetic one. “Come here,” she whispered, opening her arms to me.

Going to her eagerly, I burrowed my face into her hair as she hugged me and murmured into my ear, “Everything will be okay. Promise.”

Believing her, I spent the rest of the night right there against her, either making love to her or dreaming with her in my arms.

Chapter 27


When I opened my eyes the next morning, I found myself staring at a stranger.

As I blinked at him, trying to figure out if he was real or not, he grinned pleasantly. “Well, hello there, gorgeous.”

“Oh my God!” I shrieked.

He was definitely real.

Lurching upright, only for the sheet that had been covering me to slip down, I gasped out another yelp and scrambled to catch it before I showed off all my bits.

Who the hell was this guy?

Once I had the covers firmly tucked up under my armpits and had shoved dark locks out of my face, I focused on the man who hadn’t moved a muscle, except maybe to widen his devilish, handsome grin as he watched me fumble about.

Waving his fingers, he added, “Good morning to you too.”

I glanced around the room. Hayden was nowhere to be found, but this guy had no qualms about being in his room apparently.

“Who’re you?” I said, coming back around to blink at him.

“What a coincidence.” With a delighted chuckle, he plopped onto the bed beside me, still fully clothed, and stretched out—with his shoes on and everything—before rolling onto his side to face me as he rested his chin on his hand. “I was going to ask you that very same question.”

“Where’s Hayden?” I countered.

The stranger shrugged. “No idea.” He was wickedly handsome, the wicked part seemed to be because he knew how he looked and maximized on it shamelessly. “But when he returns, I’m going to have to compliment the hell out

of him. It seems my brother’s taste has finally reached a cap because, holy damn.” Shaking his head, he ran his gaze along the sheet covering me. “You are simply stunning.”

“Oh!” I blurted, suddenly realizing, “You must be Brick.”

“I am indeed.” Features brightening with pleasure, he leaned closer. “And this must mean he talks about me nonstop. Says he wishes he could be just like me, I bet.” Lowering his voice, he whispered, “He hasn’t asked you to call out my name when you come, has he?”

“Um, no. He hasn’t.”

Brick shook his head and sighed out a sad, tsking sound. “So he hasn’t even been able to bring you to orgasm yet. Pity.”


I studied Hayden’s brother a moment longer, my amazement growing thicker with each second. This man was cheerful, optimistic, an outrageous flirt, and he didn’t seem to have a single serious bone in his body. Which made me wonder, “How the hell are you two brothers?”

With a broad grin, Brick answered, “Genetics. How the hell have I not even heard about you yet? He’s hiding you away from me because he’s insecure and knows he can’t compare, isn’t he? Not that I blame him. I mean, let’s be real. How could anyone expect you to want to stay with him other than out of pity after meeting all this?”

When he splayed a hand over his body, I couldn’t help but laugh.

“I’m Gabby,” I said, carefully keeping my blanket tucked around me before I held out a hand to shake with him.

“Gabby,” he said smoothly, only to take my fingers into a short, professional shake before letting go. “Short for Gabriella?”

I nodded and returned my hand back to the blanket in order to keep myself fully covered. “Of course. And Hayden and I are fairly new, so there hasn’t really been much time for him to…”