Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

She bobbed her head, feeling like a moron for revealing such a thing. "It's the only time we did it without total protection," she added, her face heating for letting another remembered intimacy slip.

He ran a hand through his hair and cracked off a surprised laugh. "Well, I'll be damned. That explains that then."

Her brow wrinkled. "Explains what?"

"I thought it was the rain that made that time so..." He broke off and sent her an uneasy look. "I tried it with other women after that, but it was never the same. Now, though, I think it was Cassie. We created something important that day. That's why it was so...out of this world."

Ellie knew her eyes were wide as she stared up at him. But holy cow. Goosebumps spread up the back of her neck, and a rising heat crawled up the inside of her thighs.

"I'm going to go change," she rasped and spun away.

He caught her arm. "Don't." The plea was simple and quiet, but it stopped her in her tracks.

"I always wondered what happened to this sweatshirt. But I'm glad it stayed with you...and Cassie."

Ellie's lips parted in shock. "Boston," she whispered.

"Hey, you two!" Cameron called, pausing to point in their direction. "You're not going to get any work done, just standing there, making googly eyes at each other."

Boston dropped his hand from her arm, but she still felt the warmth and pressure where his fingers had left their impression.

"Let's cut some wood," he said.


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

And thus started a day of labor like she'd never experienced before. Forget Tae Bo. It didn't even signify compared to the workout she received now. Sweat dripped off her temples in buckets. Her arms were so tired from lifting the chainsaw, her muscles quivered every time she gunned the motor.

It was a quarter after twelve when she finally couldn't take it anymore. She shut off the engine and set it on a log, afraid her arms were going to shake off her body. They felt like limp noodles.

Boston sidled up to her seconds later, holding out a bottle of water. She took it appreciatively and chugged without grace.

"Why don't we switch," he offered, hefting the saw.

"I'm fine," Ellie said, though, no, she wasn't.

He ignored her stubborn pride with a shrug. "Hey, if I don't get a turn, how am I supposed to show off my muscles for..."

He met her gaze with a slow smile and belatedly finished with, "Cassie?"

Ellie rolled her eyes and sent him a reluctant grin. "Then by all means," she offered. "Knock yourself out, Law Boy."

The name no sooner left her lips when she remembered and slapped her mouth shut. His words from over a week ago filled her head. Don't call me Law Boy anymore. You only did it because you thought it annoyed me, but all it ever did was turn me on.

Her eyes skidded to his. His teeth flashed as he smiled.

Oh, yeah. He'd definitely heard her. Caught by his gaze, she felt restrained by his blue eyes.