hands over her chest, suddenly upset he was once again making her out to the be the wicked witch, and he was the good guy, only wanting peace. Her jaw was still hard with resentment, and she knew she couldn't speak, so she merely gave a terse nod.


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

It was unfeasible to believe he thought losing her had been the worst punishment possible, so of course she kept replaying that line over and over in her head. He could've kept her if he'd wanted. She'd been such an idiot back then, she would've let him back if he'd said sorry. But he hadn't.

And she'd be the fool if she believed his fancy little words now...except...he wasn't the same person anymore. He'd changed. In everything he did, she could see how he'd changed. Which made her even more confused.

"Come on," he told her, holding out a hand. "I'm going to show you how to use a chainsaw."

Ellie met his gaze, not sure what to do, what to believe.

But it didn't take long for her to be held captive by those blue orbs. The man had a look that would turn her into his little puppet.

"Get over here," he urged, almost playfully, a smile hovering over his lips. "You're going to work for your lunch, woman."

Drawn by the challenge in his statement and the excitement in his eyes, Ellie followed him to the back of Monty's truck, where a third unused saw sat, waiting for them. Glancing toward her daughter, she grinned when she caught sight of Cassie diligently raking sticks. Montgomery and Cameron had already moved to the main trunk and were slicing away, wood chips flying past their shoulders.

"I'll get it started," Boston offered, making Ellie arch a brow.

"Oh, no you won't," she said. "If I'm going to work this thing, I'm going to learn how to do every step."


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

He grinned. "Well, okay then. Come here."

She strolled forward, not knowing what he intended until he was standing behind her and helping her hold the chainsaw with both hands, practically embracing her as he did so.

"Just relax," he said after explaining the procedure. "You're as stiff as a board."

"And just how, pray tell, am I supposed to get comfortable with you back there, like that?"

That caused him to chuckle. She swore he moved in closer behind her.

"So, you're saying this would be an inopportune moment to mention that's my sweatshirt you're wearing then," he murmured in her ear. "And the last time I wore it, I was inside you."

Ellie leaped away from him, almost causing him to drop the chainsaw. He fumbled for a moment, trying to keep his hold on the machine. "Jesus, Ellie," he yelped.

She could only gape at him, grabbing two handfuls of her gray top with the faded KU Jayhawk printed across the front.

It was huge, and old, and comfortable. And hers, damn it.

"This isn't your sweatshirt," she insisted.

He grinned as he set the chainsaw down. "Yes, it is." He reached for the hemline to poke his finger though a fraying hole. "I snagged this on a tree the day we had sex in the rain.

Don't you remember that afternoon?"

She swallowed. "How could I forget? That's when Cassidy was conceived."

His jaw dropped. "Was it really?"