"Okay," she said brightly.
"And if you do a good job," he added, tugging playfully on her ponytail as he pushed back to his feet, "I'll make sure you get pizza for lunch."
"All right!" she cheered.
"Then get to work, young lady," he said, clapping his hands. She hooted and raced off toward the small shed by the back of the house.
Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
"Good Lord, Boston," Ellie commented, clearly amused.
"Ten dollars an hour? I would've raked the yard for half that."
Boston turned to her, his smile growing. "Oh, I have other plans for you."
By noon, Ellie was sweating her butt off. It'd taken a good hour for Boston's brother and cousin to arrive. The two men had been impatient for an introduction, refusing to start any work until they met her, which threw her for a loop. She hadn't expected any of Boston's family to want to meet her, much less be excited about the prospect. So, this...eagerness they had to simply talk to her caught her totally off guard.
She would've thought they'd be more anxious to see Cassie. But she soon learned they already had.
"You didn't get a chance to meet either of these two the other night at Chuck E. Cheese's," Boston started. "But this is my cousin, Cameron Banks, and my brother, Monty."
A little sick at the realization that these two strangers had seen her in her prime—chewing Boston out—she gave them a small smile, hoping they didn't think she always acted as bitchy as she had at the pizza parlor. But they both surged forward with warm smiles, making her jerk and take a leery step back.
Just as Montgomery stuck out his hand, Cameron butted him aside with an elbow and took her fingers, tugging them to his mouth. After pressing his lips to her knuckles, he glanced at her with a devastating, yet ornery smile.
"It's an honor to finally meet you," he murmured in a husky voice.
Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
Ellie blinked, not sure how to take this green-eyed hunk who couldn't seem to stop grinning at her with the orneriest look in his gaze. She glanced hesitantly toward Boston and was surprised to find him scowling at his relative.
"Banks," he growled. "That's enough."
"What?" Cameron asked innocently. "You flirt with my wife nonstop. I think I'm entitled to—"
"Don't even think about finishing that sentence," Boston warned.
"You're such a moron," Montgomery told Cameron, shoving him back with his own elbow so he could gain Ellie's gaze.
The jostling for her attention made her blink in bewilderment. At best, she would've hoped they'd attempt to be cordial. But this...this was downright flattering.
Montgomery once again stuck out his hand. "You probably don't remember me, but I had a class with you in college."
"Calculus," she answered, taking his fingers.
He beamed, his smile spreading wide. "Hey, you do remember."
How could she have forgotten? She'd been in love with his brother at the time.
"You knew my brother?" Boston asked, sounding startled, as he shifted a somewhat accusing look her way.