Simultaneously, Monty and Ellie turned toward Boston.

"We never actually met," Montgomery started. "Remember? I said so the night we received Cassie's letter?" But Boston wasn't paying any attention to him.


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

He was too busy pinning Ellie with narrowed eyes. "But you knew who he was?"

Ellie gave a slight nod. "I knew he was your brother," she affirmed.

His mouth dropped. "Why didn't you ever tell me?"

Her back went straight and her shoulders squared righteously. "You never bothered to tell me you had family on campus, so I didn't think you wanted me know about him."

" What? That doesn't make any—" He must've realized he was about to start a fight if he said one more word, because he sighed and ran his hands through his hair. "I didn't realize I'd never told you about Monty," he grudgingly admitted.

"Oh, come off it." Ellie let out a harsh laugh. "Every time I asked about your parents or your siblings, you changed the subject. Every time I asked about your childhood or home life, you buttoned up."

He shook his head in denial. "I never purposely kept my family from you."

"Yes, you did. Because clearly, I wasn't important enough to meet them. You put me right in my place from the very beginning, and I was just too stupid and blind to notice it."

Okay, so the fight was on anyway.

"Now who's the moron?" Cameron asked Monty. Ellie whirled around to find both of Boston's relatives grinning with their arms crossed as they watched avidly.

"Don't worry, El. We're cheering for you," Montgomery assured her, looking way too amused.

"And how dare you not tell her about me." Cameron turned toward Boston, setting his hands on his hips in outrage. "I 189

Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

think I should've been mentioned at least once a day. I'm your best friend, for crying out loud."

"Not then you weren't," Boston grumbled.

"I can't believe you never even told her I was going to school with you," Monty exclaimed. "And why didn't you ever introduce her to me?"

Boston balled his fists in a threatening stance. "Will you two go away?"

"But you just told us to get our butts over here," Cameron reminded him.

Growling out a sound of frustration, his cousin sneered,

"Just...go cut the tree, will you?"

"Geez," Cameron muttered, tugging on Monty's arm and pulling him away from them. "Someone forgot to take his anti-anger pill this morning."

As soon as they were far enough away, Boston turned to her. Ellie held her breath, bracing for the explosion.

"Ellie," he started as if he was going to spill out a whole crap load of pathetic excuses. Then he stopped himself and shook his head miserably. "I was awful to you," he said in a tired voice. "I know that. But I paid for it big time by losing you. My sentence has been served. So, I think we should get to start over with a clean slate. Today, I just want to help you clean your yard."

Ellie folded her