His surprised blue eyes met hers. "No." His grin smoldered, hot and languid. "I have to do this right or it won't work."

She sighed and closed her eyes. "Whatever." Tilting her chin up again, she prayed he wouldn't notice the way her pulse ticked heavily against her throat. "Take all the time in the world then. I don't care."

"You have to kiss me back too," he argued. "Or—"

"I said fine," she grit out.

After a moment, nothing happened. Then he spoke. "Open your eyes."

Though she didn't want to, she found herself following his order as her lashes flickered apart. "Why?"

"I want you to know who you're kissing."

Like she could forget. Ellie watched him warily as he licked his lips and shifted close enough to crowd her against the kitchen cabinets...cool wooden doors at her back; hard, hot Boston at her front.

"Ready?" he whispered.

"Yes." Damn it, would he just do something before she imploded?

Suddenly, there he was. He slanted his mouth down—no hesitation, no pausing to think it through, just steady determination—and their mouths connected. She let out a sob 130

Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

of release, closed her eyes, and bowed her back until her breasts pressed against his chest.

He groaned deep in his throat and cradled her face with both hands, pressing his thumbs against the apex of her jaw as if to force her mouth open in case she tried to reject the push of his tongue. But rejection was the last thing on her mind. She sucked the wet warmth between her teeth and drew from his taste, holding him tight, probably yanking out half his hair she gripped him so hard.

They made love to each other's mouths, diving deep in the recesses of their souls as they mated, tongue to tongue, breath to breath. Ellie couldn't seem to get close enough and clung to him, clutching his shoulders for dear life. He growled out a sound of similar frustration and picked her up, setting her on the countertop to fit himself between her thighs and press close to her heat.

She gasped and wrapped her legs around his hips, cradling his erection to her core.

"It's you," he rasped against her mouth between each kiss, his hands crazily running up and down her body as if to convince himself of that very fact. "It's you. God, Ellie, I can't believe it's really you."

"Boston," she moaned, throwing her head back so he could nibble his way down her jaw, using both teeth and tongue to lavish her throat.

Reaching the base of her neck, he buried his nose in the top opening of her blouse and held her tight a moment as he breathed in her essence. "Jesus, you still smell the same.

Your hair, your clothes, your skin."


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

"So do you," she said, kissing his jaw and running her hands through his thick black locks.

His fingers fumbled as he opened her shirt. "You and your buttons," he panted, sounding impatient yet tenderly amused.

"I swear, I bought you an entire wardrobe to replace all the buttoned garments I used to rip off you."

She grinned and nipped her teeth at his earlobe. "You did."

And she'd kept every one of them, storing them away in a box at the back of her closet.

She expected him to lift his face, look her deep in the eyes, and tear the two sides of her shirt apart...for old time's sake. But when he pulled back to grin at her, his fingers slowed, carefully continuing to release one fastening at a time. After watching himself work for a moment, his eyes slid up, and their gazes connected. She felt the punch of longing deep in her gut.