The last button came free, and Boston easily separated the two sides, letting out a breath as his gaze swept over her.

"Why didn't I ever realize how much more sensual it was to savor my prize and unwrap it button at a time?"

Ellie shook her head, unable to speak, her mind blank of words. His blue gaze held her captivated.

"You're stunning," he said and lowered his mouth to press a warm kiss to her chest, right where her heart beat against the swell of her breast.

Stirred by such a sweet act, she skimmed her fingers over his cheekbone. He closed his eyes and rested his face on her chest, pillowed by her breasts. He wrapped his arms around her waist, and she hugged him back. They remained that way 132

Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

nearly a whole minute before his muffled voice came from her cleavage.

"These grew."

His hand came up to investigate the change in her breasts.

He pulled one free of its bra cup to study its fullness a moment, gently rubbing his thumb over her hard nipple before he dipped and took the throbbing peak into his mouth.

Ellie gasped and clutched the back of his head tight.

"Boston. Oh, God. Please."

After moving his attention to her other breast, his fingers found the top button of her slacks. He drew the zipper down.

Tensing with eager expectation, Ellie wanted to thrash her head from side to side and moan out, yes, yes, yes. But all she could do was tighten her grip on his head as he bit down on her nipple. She arched her hips up when he slid his hand over her stomach and into the waistband of her panties.

His fingers grazed her pubic hair until they encountered an old scar. Pausing, he broke free of her breast, looking confused. Then he leaned forward to examine the mark. After frowning at the foreign blemish that hadn't been there the last time he'd breached her panties, his eyes lifted in question.

"C-section," she answered his silent query. "I'd planned on a natural birth, but...there were complications."

Boston's eyes snapped open wide...alert. "Are you okay?"

She smiled, loving his concern. "I'm fine. Now."

"Now?" Latching onto that word, he wrinkled his brow in concern. His gaze fell to her scar, and his fingers traced it again in a gentle, loving caress. "What happened?"


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

"Placenta previa. Problems with the placenta," she added at Boston's blank look. "It wanted to come out first, which would've put Cassie in danger. So, they gave me a spinal block and cut her out. It wasn't as bad as it sounds," she was quick to tack on when his face paled. "The doctor handled it beautifully, and Cassie was delivered just fine."

But Boston didn't look reassured. "I wish I could've been there."

Ellie swallowed and closed her eyes. When he pulled his hand from her underwear and zipped her slacks closed, her lashes shot open.

He looked distant and reserved as he took a step in reverse. "I should've been there, Ellie."

"Boston," she started. She wanted to reach for him but didn't dare.

As if he could read her thoughts, he shook his head and turned away, running his hand through his hair as he put distance between them. "This didn't turn out like I thought it would." He sighed and glanced blindly across the kitchen before he sent her a leery, untrusting look. "I guess we're just going to have to get used to my attraction and learn to deal with it. Because I won't ever touch you again."

With that, he turned on his heel and strode from her kitchen.