Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

But the moment was soon broken by her daughter. "Mom, I'm starving."

"Yeah, so am I," Cameron said, wiping sweat off his brow with the back of his wrist as he strolled closer and glanced Boston's way. "Are you going to allow us a lunch break or what, slave master?"

Boston and Ellie exchanged glances. "I did promise Cassidy pizza," he admitted.

"Pizza?" Montgomery perked to attention, setting down a limb he was hauling to join the group. "I think I could eat a large pepperoni all by myself right now."

After digging some cash out of his pocket, Boston turned to Ellie. "Would you mind picking up a couple?"

As he held out the money, she frowned and shook her head. "I'll pay," she offered, glancing toward his brother and cousin. "It's the least I can do."

"No," Boston said. "This one's on me."

"Boston," she started on a tired sigh. "You've already done enough today."

"Ellie," he countered just as stubbornly. "I want to pay."

"Good God," Cameron broke in with a disgusted growl. " I'll pay if it'll get you two to stop bickering. I'm wasting away here. Need food. Must eat soon."

"Oh, fine," Ellie ground out, snagging the money from Boston's hand. Turning from the annoying men, she glanced at her daughter. "Go see if Keller and Nora want some pizza too."

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Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

Chapter Twelve

As it turned out, both Keller and Nora not only wanted to eat with them, they also wanted to ride with Ellie and Cassie to pick up the pizza.

"Oh, Lordy. I needed a break," Nora groaned and then let out a moan of delight as she slipped into the passenger seat of Boston's car.

Ellie still couldn't believe she was actually going to drive such a nice automobile. But he'd parked behind her, blocking her in the drive, and when she'd asked him to move his car so she could get out, he'd merely tossed her his keys and instructed her to take the Infiniti.

"Mendel is driving me insane," Nora grumbled. "I'm telling you, that man's not a doctor. He's a dictator. Actually, scratch the 'tator, and that's what he is. Move that, pick up this, cut that. Kiss my ass. I was just about to murder him when you saved us."

Chuckling, Ellie started the engine and sucked in a breath as the smooth motor hummed to life under her. In the backseat, the two nine-year-olds were chatting away about what they were going to do with the money they were earning today. After Cassidy told Keller how her father was paying her to pick up limbs, Nora had felt obliged to do the same for her son.

"Looked like you were having fun over there with all those power tools and sexy men, though," Nora commented and 196

Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

then yawned, closing her eyes and resting her head back against the car seat rest.

"Nora!" Ellie hissed in alarm and glanced in the rearview mirror to make sure Cassie hadn't heard. Those "sexy" men just happened to be her father and two uncles.

"Oh, they're not paying attention." Nora snorted. "Kids never listen to adults. But you've got to admit, good looks run in that family. I mean, holy crap, El. I don't really think it was all that hard labor making me sweat. It was Boston and his brother and cousin."

Sputtering out a surprised laugh, Ellie shook her head and turned into the pizza parlor's parking lot.