"And...he takes up the Boston Kincaid moody pose," Cam murmured. He laced his fingers together and rested them on his stomach as if waiting for Boston to come back with a smart-mouthed comment.
But Boston ignored him. He stared out at a trio of women taking a smoke break in the parking lot. One lady had just lit up, and as she sucked in her first breath, a heady look of pure ecstasy crossed her face. Then she exhaled and her shoulders slumped, draining of tension. Smiling, she said something to her coworkers, making all three of them laugh.
Boston felt envy as he watched the relaxation seep into her.
"I think I should take up smoking," he announced.
Cameron arched a curious eyebrow. "So now you think you need a vice to help you with... What exactly do you need help with, Kincaid? You seem to be dealing with the fact that you've got a daughter pretty well to me. You like her, she likes you. And you haven't mentioned any problems getting around her mother..."
At Boston's sharp glance, Cam shut his mouth and stared.
Then a telling grin spread across his face. "Ah," he murmured, eyes twinkling with mischief. "So, it's your baby's mama bugging you, huh?"
"No," Boston bit out moodily and moved his shoulder in an antsy manner to find a more comfortable position where he leaned. But that didn't work. He still wanted to crawl out of his skin.
Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
"In the excitement over Cassidy's existence, I've forgotten there's an ex-flame involved in all this too."
Cam was quiet a moment, as if waiting for Boston to open up his closet and start pulling out the bones. But Boston remained silent. So, Cam let out a little sigh and said, "You know what I think?"
Boston lifted his face and turned to give his cousin an incredulous look. "Do I look like I care what you think?"
Cam ignored him. "I think you were way serious about Cassie's mom."
Boston's jaw bunched. "Don't go there."
"Why not?" Cameron asked. "We're best friends. If you can't tell me, who can you tell?"
"No one. And let's keep it that way."
"So, how long did you see her?"
Boston didn't answer for a minute. Then he moved restlessly back to the window and muttered, "Eight months."
Cameron fell out of his chair. Literally. Boston turned to frown at him.
From the floor, Cam's jaw fell loose. "Eight...oh my God, you stayed with one woman for eight months? Jesus, Kincaid, how is it possible I never knew about her...that no one in the family knew about her?"
Boston scowled. "You were busy mourning your first wife, and I was away at college."
"Yeah, but Monty would've been in college too at that time.
Why didn't he—"
"Okay, fine. I purposely kept her a secret!" Boston cut in sharply. "You're right. It was different with Ellie, and it scared 162
Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
the hell out of me. I wasn't used to getting that serious with a girl. So, refusing to let anything go too far with her, I intentionally never introduced her to anyone in the family to convince myself she wasn't that important. Are you satisfied now?"
Cameron just sat on the floor and gaped.