"Will you get up!" Boston snapped and turned away to frown out the window.
Cameron stood slowly, wiped himself off, and calmly sat in his chair. Then he shook his head. "Holy Lord, Bos. You totally fell in love with her, didn't you?"
Boston's eyebrows pulled down low over his eyes. "No," he was quick to spit out. Then he swiped a harassed hand through his hair. "God, I don't know. But if I ever fell for anyone, it would've been her."
"So, why'd you break up?" Cameron asked curiously. When Boston didn't immediately answer, he said, "Oh. Right. I forgot. She got pregnant. You both freaked. Then, when she claimed she had a miscarriage, you were so relieved there wasn't a baby, you took off out of there. End of story."
"That's not quite how it happened. We'd already been broken up a few weeks by the time she told me she was pregnant," Boston admitted quietly. He closed his eyes, and the memories swelled. The guilt washed over him, a wave of nausea wracking his body.
"So, then why did you break—"
"Cameron!" Boston nearly shouted. "I just told you, I'm not going to talk about this with you."
Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
"Look, it's over between us. We split because of irrevocable differences, and there's no way, no how, we'll ever get back together... especially after she went and kept my daughter from me for nine freaking years. The only contact I'll ever have with Elora Trenton will be over custody for Cassidy. Got it?"
Frowning, Cameron opened his mouth. Before he could speak, Boston's iPhone rang.
Grateful for the distraction, he dug it from his pocket and stared blindly out the window. "Kincaid," he growled.
"D-dad?" came the sobbing reply.
"Cassie?" Boston jerked around in surprise, making Cam surge to his feet. "What's wrong?"
She sniffed and whimpered a moment. Then she wailed,
"Can I come live with you?"
"What's wrong?" he repeated, envisioning her broken and bleeding and alone in some dark alley. "Where are you?"
"I'm at home. And I don't want to live here anymore. I hate her so much. She's mean and...and...she won't let me do anything."
Boston let out a breath. The adrenaline thrumming through his body didn't shut off so quickly though. He pressed a hand to his jack-hammering heart.
"You had a fight with your mom?" he was finally able to ask.
"Mmm-hmm," Cassie whined pathetically.
Boston's shoulder's dropped. God. Talk about giving a guy a heart attack. He'd thought something was honestly wrong with her.
Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
Sniffing, Cassie asked, "So, will you come get me?"
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