"Well, then," she murmured. "If you can't think of some earth-shattering reason why I shouldn't go down on you, then..." She glanced at his straining shaft. "Do you mind?"

Mind? His body bowed and his hands fisted around the sheets under him...and the woman hadn't even touched him yet. "Be my guest," he rasped.

Unable to help himself, his gaze followed her fingers as they slowly reached out. He started to shudder an inch before contact. When she finally slid one index finger down the full length of his erection, he nearly exploded.

Boston let out a groan, and Ellie's gaze flashed anxiously to his as if afraid she'd done something wrong. Her fingers snapped back to her chest.

"Don't stop!" he demanded, pleaded, begged in one breathless pant.

"S-sorry," she said and quickly wrapped her entire hand around him.


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

Her fingers were cold like she was nervous, but he didn't care. He closed his eyes and let out a long, loud sigh. She stroked slowly, her touch soft and her grip loose. It drove him mad. In seconds, he was arching and straining for more. For harder, rougher, wetter.

"Ellie," he said in that pleading, demanding voice again.

Her eyes lifted once more, inquisitive. "Enough teasing," he bit out. He was going to push her hand aside and finish himself if she didn't hurry.

"Oh," she said and nodded. Thinking she was going to tighten her grip and quicken the pace, he was surprised when she leaned down instead and licked him from base to tip.

"Oh, God!" he shouted and arched his back nearly a foot off the bed. "El..." he choked out hoarsely, gripping two handfuls of her thick brown hair.

Her technique left a lot to be desired. She went too slow, didn't suck hard enough, and her teeth scraped him till he winced even as he moaned with pleasure. If he'd had any idea it was her first blow job, he would've given her an A for effort and enthusiasm. As it was, he was so close to the edge, he feared he was going to shove her face down and gag her if she didn't hurry.

To avoid just that, he reached for her and pulled her head up and off him. "Stop," he rasped urgently.

She lifted her face, her eyes wide with worry and surprise.

"What's wrong?"

"My turn," he rasped, sitting up and pushing her down onto her back in one smooth move.


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

He'd never undressed a girl so quickly before. But he jerked her shirt over her head and peeled her jeans and panties down so fast she giggled.

"Shh," he told her, ridding her of her bra. "You're not supposed to laugh at a guy when you have him naked."

"I'm not laughing at you," she said, eyes glittering with glee. "I'm laughing with you."

"Smartass," he said and grinned as he covered her warm naked body with his. His erection brushed the inside of her thigh, making her shudder.

"God, you feel good," he whispered and ran his hands up her body, cupping her breasts as he leaned down to kiss her.

He wanted to push inside her right then. He was there, at the entrance, and his tip was wet with moisture, beyond ready to glide into that hot, wet cave and hibernate for a solid hour. But he held back, slipping his tongue inside her mouth instead and making love to her there. Turnabout was fair play, he thought, and broke himself away from her lips a moment later to ease down her body, kissing nipples and a belly button on the way.

"Boston!" Ellie yelped in alarm as he hovered over the apex of her legs. "W-what are you doing?"

"I told you," he answered. "It's my turn." And then he licked her.