Ellie bucked and gurgled out a scream. She grabbed his hair and nearly yanked the locks from their roots. But he wasn't deterred from his task. He entered her with one finger as he continued to stroke her with his mouth. When she arched and gasped even more, he added a second finger.
Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
Going crazy under him, Ellie kept chanting his name and talking about God and hell. He didn't catch a lot of what she cried out, but the tone definitely had him feeling pretty incredible.
He wasn't prepared for her to come so quickly. When she pulled her body taut and began to spasm, he jerked in surprise, a little disappointed it was already over. He'd just started to really like her taste. But, all too soon, she subsided, her breathing erratic and heavy. Boston lifted his head. The sight of her debauched, naked body still quivering from his mouth had his arousal growing double in size.
She met his gaze with dazed, glazy eyes. "B-Boston?"
He had to be inside her right then. Surging upward, he made them one even as he took her mouth with his and buried all ten fingers in her hair. She was so wet and ready for him, he shouldn't have met any kind of resistance. So, when he did, making her cry out in pain, he stumbled to a stop.
Fully imbedded inside her, he let out a breath and looked down into her face. "Oh, God," he whispered in scared, amazed and frightened awe. "You're a..." He couldn't even say the word.
She smiled and touched his face. "Not anymore."
A virgin. She'd been a virgin all this time, and he hadn't had a clue. Hell, why hadn't she said anything? Why hadn't she told him so he could go slower...so he wouldn't hurt her so bad?
Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
"Does it still hurt?" he asked in concern, glancing down at their joined bodies. But the view only made him want to thrust for all he was worth.
Even as she bit her lip, she shook her head and said, "No.
I'm fine."
"Don't lie," he said and kissed her lightly.
Ellie wrapped her legs around his hips and moved up against him. "Ellie," he gritted out, grabbing her hip to still her. He pressed his forehead to hers. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I didn't want you to be nervous."
Boston choked out a laugh. But then it struck him. She was right. He would've freaked. But how in the world would she know he'd be nervous?
"I've never been anyone's first time before," he stated, only supporting her claim even more.
"Well, you're going to get an "I" for incomplete if you don't finish. Right now."
Smiling, Boston kissed her again and moved. He didn't get any "I"s that night. He finished just fine, four times in fact before he left Ellie's bed the next afternoon. It was his first night of marathon sex, but it certainly wasn't his last. With Ellie, he became an absolute nympho, wanting to bury himself inside her all the time.
Ten years later, the very memory of record-breaking sex with that woman could have him salivating in seconds.
"Bos? Yo, Boston. Earth calling."
Boston blinked and focused his attention on Cameron, who was sitting across the desk from him in Boston's office and 158
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by Linda Kage
staring at him as if he were insane, which obviously he was if all he could think about was Ellie.