Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
"So...we're going to see a lot of each other in the years to come. Whatever decision we accept on child support, Cassie is still going to tie us together for the rest of our lives. I refuse to let you intimidate me every time I'm around just because we have a sexual past."
Her eyebrows rose. " I'm intimidating you? Oh, please."
Even his slow smile was predatory. "It wasn't always bad between us," he said, creeping close enough Ellie had to lift her face to meet his gaze.
Her breathing escalated and her nostrils expanded as she dragged in his all-too familiar scent. God, why did he have to smell so delicious?
"And every time you take your shirt off around me," he continued, "or press your ass against my erection, I'm bound to remember just how satisfying those not-so-bad times used to be."
Scowling, Ellie opened her mouth to argue each of his points. It hadn't been her intention to turn him on or drudge up any bittersweet memories either time, and the bastard knew it.
But Boston merely lifted his hand and set his index finger on her lips, hushing her. "I don't care if they were accidental incidences or not. They're still playing havoc on my concentration. And my judgment's going to be skewed until I get past this. But...if I could convince myself you're not as good as I remember, I'm sure I'll be fine, and we'd finally be able to discuss whatever we need to discuss in a more professional, unaffected manner."
Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
"Just what are you suggesting, Boston?" Ellie said, gaping.
"That we have sex one last time to get it out of our systems?"
His smile bloomed into a half chuckle. "That would be nice, sure. But I doubt we'd have to go as far as that."
Grin falling, he turned all business in the blink of an eye.
"A kiss. All it'll take is one kiss. Then I'll know it's only in my head."
"Oh." Ellie's shoulders loosened and she tilted up her chin.
"Well, in that case...go ahead." She was amazed she could act so casual about it when the idea of him pressing his mouth to hers made her heart thump hard against her ribcage.
Boston looked similarly amazed. Instead of dipping his head and pressing his mouth to hers, he lifted his eyebrows.
"Well, aren't you a little too willing to comply." Leaning even closer, he whispered, his breath caressing her lips with each word he uttered. "Let me guess. You're having the same disturbing memories."
"No," she rushed out her answer. She wanted to shove against his chest to give herself some room. But she refused to let him know how much his proximity affected her, though, damn it, the gli
nt in his eyes made it clear he already suspected.
"I'm just worried Cassie will notice and get scared if you keep going around...half cocked like you are."
He grinned. "Half cocked? Cute pun." Reaching out, he wrapped a piece of her hair around his finger, growing 129
Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
fascinated with the ringlets her locks made as he slid his finger free.
To keep herself from smacking at his hand and giving away even more of her apprehensions...and desires, she snapped, "Can you just get it over with already?"