"I said no," Boston cut his cousin off. "No way on God's green earth." He cast a quick warning look toward his daughter. "Hey, Livy," he asked suddenly. "Could you take Cass to the vending machines so she can wash down her breakfast with something to drink?"
Olivia didn't look too happy about being dismissed. But she followed Boston's request and ushered Cassie from the room.
As soon as the door closed behind them, Boston immediately swung Cameron's way.
"Look, I'll find somebody, okay. Just...somebody else."
God, anybody else.
"Why not Ellie?" Cameron countered.
"For one thing, I don't sleep with my secretaries."
Cameron frowned. "But, you're not sleeping with— Oh, my God. Are you?"
Boston blinked and gave his cousin a dry look. "Where do you think Cassidy came from?"
Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
Cam snorted. "I meant recently."
Pausing before he answered, Boston took a deep breath.
"No," he said, "not yet."
"Not..." Cameron started to repeat. Then his eyes went wide. "Not yet? Well, well. You and El are getting back together, are you? That's great, man. I didn't even think she was interested in you."
"She's not," Boston muttered.
Cameron's smile wavered. "Oh," he said lamely. "So, you want to, but she doesn't, huh? Man, that blows."
"She went on a date last night...with some guy named Ted."
"Hmm." Cameron looked sufficiently depressed for his buddy for a good minute before he sat up straight and snapped his fingers. "You know, maybe she just did that to make you jealous, like—"
"I wasn't supposed to find out about him. If I'd picked Cassie up on time last night, I wouldn't have even known this other guy existed." Hissing out a swear word, he ran his hands through his hair. "Jesus, Cam. I stood there and told her I loved her, and she still opened the door for him."
"I can't..." He glanced toward his cousin. "I can't hire her.
I'd go insane."
Cameron blew out a long breath. "Okay," he said, his shoulders slumping in defeat. "We'll find somebody else then.
No biggie. We'll find someone...somehow."
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Delinquent Daddy