Crystal's version of overtime had nothing to do with actual work.

"So, I walked in here," Olivia butted in to continue the story. "And I found your secretary kissing him and trying to stick her hand down his pants."

Boston looked at Cassie. She appeared to be listening to Cameron and Olivia's tale with avid interest.

Grinding his teeth, he turned to Cameron, who shrugged.

"I stopped her before she did anything too traumatic to me, but Livy still caught a good portion of the show, just as I yanked Chrystal's sticky palms off me. And then she"—he pointed accusingly at his wife—"blew completely off the handle and tried to rip the poor girl's hair out."

"Poor girl?" Olivia echoed incredulously.

Cameron merely grinned. "Hey, can you really blame her for trying? I mean, look at me. I'm irresistible."

Boston rolled his eyes and groaned.

"Be that as it may," Olivia ground out, "I'm sorry, but any woman who tries to have sex with my husband is going to lose her hair and her job. That's all there is to it."


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

"Whoa!" Boston said, sending a warning look toward Cassidy. "Excuse me. My nine-year-old daughter is sitting right here. Ick-snay on the ex-say."

Cassidy rolled her eyes. "Oh please, Dad. I know what sex is."

As Olivia told Cameron what she'd do to the next woman she caught trying to come on to him, Boston gaped at his daughter. "You do?"

"Of course," Cassie said, rolling her eyes one more time.

"Since I was, like, seven."

"Oh my God," Boston murmured, falling down on the couch to sit next to her. Why would Ellie tell a seven-year-old about sex?

"When Keller's cat had babies, I wanted to know where they came from, so he looked it up online and told me everything."

Oblivious to Boston's shocked comatose position, Cameron turned back to him as he held up a hand in front of Olivia's face to block out her ranting. "Bos, the fact of the matter is we need to get you a secretary. And we need one now.

Preferably someone with a legal background. We're just about to head into a huge business transaction, and I'm going to need you out in the field with me. Not at the office trying to fill in for some absent secretary."

Cassie sat up straight and announced, "My mom's a legal secretary."

Cam stopped talking and blinked at Cassidy. The girl grinned at him blissfully as she forked more biscuits and gravy into her mouth.


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

Her uncle arched a brow. "Oh, she is, is she?" His eyes slid meaningfully toward Boston. "Well, what do you know."

"No," Boston said.

He couldn't think about Ellie right now, not without wanting to break something. She'd turned him down only to go out with some loser named Ted. He was still swimming in jealousy, and no woman had ever made him jealous before.

He wasn't at all happy with Ellie for accomplishing such a feat. He kept wondering how her date had gone. Had good old Ted gotten any farther than he had? He certainly hoped not...just to be spiteful.