But Boston zapped a killer look her way. "Butt out. This isn't your affair."

"Well, obviously," she snorted. "It was yours."

Sighing, Boston turned back to Ellie. When he held a hand down to her, she glanced up at his face and studied his silent, probing stare. An echo of all the pain and heartbreak this man had ever given her shimmered through her. She knew she was damning herself for going with him, but she did it anyway.

"Okay," she murmured, ignoring his hand and rising to her feet. "I'll listen to your story."

"Go, Ellie," Cheyenne cheered. "Make him get on hands and knees and beg for forgiveness."

Both Boston and Ellie frowned cantankerously at his sister.

Then Boston turned away, and Ellie found herself helpless to follow. He weaved through the crowds, and Ellie was all too aware of all the people watching her and Boston as they exited a side doorway together.


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

"Everyone is watching us," she murmured.

"Yeah, well, this was your idea." He kept a steady stalk down the quiet hall before he turned abruptly and disappeared through a doorway.

Ellie followed. She found herself in a study with a desk holding a computer in the center and shelves lining the walls.

Behind her, Boston shut the door with a click.

She jumped.

"So, what do you want to know?" he asked, coming straight to the point.

Turning slowly, she found all the courage she'd had at the table—where she'd been surrounded by his loud family—was gone. "Look, Boston," she said. "It's okay. I don't—"

"No, you want to know the truth," he bit out. "So, I'm telling you the truth. Just tell me where to start?"

She pressed a hand to her chest. "Fine then. I want to know exactly what you did with Heather Grimaldi?"

There. It was asked. She could wish the question away all she wanted. But it didn't matter. It was out there now, and he'd heard it perfectly.

Blowing out a breath, he gingerly stepped closer until he was only two feet away. "Do you really want to know?"

She took a second to think about it. Did she really want to know? It wouldn't change anything. What happened had already happened.

But, damn it, she just wanted to know.

"Did you have sex with her or not?"

His smile was slow and relieved. "I did not," he said, looking all too pleased to report it.


Delinquent Daddy

by Linda Kage

Ellie shook her head, suddenly lost. "Then why'd you tell me you did?"

He frowned. "I never told you that."