"Yes, you—"
"No! I didn't."
"Boston, you confessed to being unfaithful."
He sighed and ground the palms of his hand into his eye sockets. "I went back to her apartment with her," he admitted. "I kissed her and took her shirt off. I fully intended to have sex with her. Isn't that unfaithful enough for you?"
Ellie's jaw dropped. Okay, so he'd still done stuff. But all this time, she'd thought he'd put his penis inside another woman. She'd thought...
"So, why did she stop you?" she asked. "She find out you were already involved with someone else?"
He closed his eyes and shook his head. "Oh, she knew about you, all right. But she wasn't the one to stop. I was."
"You..." Ellie suddenly found it way too hard to breathe.
"You really want the whole story?"
"If you don't mind."
He shrugged. "Hey, it was a long time ago. What would spilling the truth hurt now?"
Ellie was quiet. For a minute, he was too.
Then he cleared his throat and started. "You were working that night. One of my friends was having his twenty-first birthday and bugged and badgered me to stop by this party he was throwing. I didn't really want to go, but I knew I'd never hear the end of it if I didn't. So, I showed up and was 238
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by Linda Kage
ready to leave the minute I arrived. As I was looking for my buddy to wish him a happy birthday, she spotted me and approached. When she started flirting, I told her I was seeing someone else, but she kind of shrugged like it didn't bother her. So, I turned her down again."
"That's not all," Ellie said, making it a statement rather than a question.
For her interruption, she got a dirty look. "I'm not done,"
he said. Then he closed his eyes and ran his hand through his hair. "As she was walking away, it hit me what I'd just done.
And I don't know...it rattled me that I could turn down a good-looking woman so easily. I hadn't realized I'd gotten quite that attached to you until then. So, I started to think stupid stuff like, 'You know what? Ellie doesn't have exclusive rights to me. I never made her any promises.'"
Sending her a quick, ironic smile, he added, "It pissed me off that you'd been able to gain so much power over me without me even being aware of it. I didn't like it. I hadn't planned on getting serious with you. In fact, I'd told myself from the very start of our...whatever...I'd convinced myself it wasn't going to last. I was leaving for Yale at the end of the year, and I wasn't going to have any kind of ties holding me back."
"So you did plan on breaking up with me all along?" Ellie asked.
Boston sighed. "Yes...no...I don't know. Damn it, Ellie. All I know is that I wasn't planning on feeling what I felt. I didn't want you to be important to me."
Delinquent Daddy
by Linda Kage
Not sure what to think of this confession, Ellie turned away and briskly rubbed her arms up and down. "So, how did you end up at her apartment with her shirt off?"
"I went after her," he admitted. "After realizing how far gone I was over you, I freaked out. I completely denied how deeply I'd fallen for you and, to prove to myself that I didn't care so much for you, I pursued her until I got her back to her place. I had every intention of cheating on you. I actually wanted to, if for no other reason than to say I could."
"So, what happened?" Ellie asked in a whisper. She wrapped her arms around her waist