Page 50 of Say You Swear

His response was a bright smile, I know it.

That night, I got another message, claiming he saw something odd at the grocery store—peanut butter flavored Oreos. I sent back the link to KC and JoJo’s Tell me it’s real.

Ever since then, it’s been a game between the two of us. He hits me with something random, and I prove Trey’s words right. I am, in fact, equipped with a jukebox. Like I said, it’s fun, lighthearted and I’m pretty sure the sole purpose is to simply make each other laugh in case one of us needs it. It’s not the only time we talk. Like this morning, I sent him a picture of my shoes after I mindlessly walked into a mud puddle, a broken sprinkler left behind, and he sent back a photo of the notes he was taking in class.

No big deal, just us chatting a bit like new friends will.

Wiping my brow, I step off the track and head for the girl’s locker room for a quick shower before meeting Brady for my promised study session.

I’m dressed back in my jean shorts and burgundy long-sleeve and headed for the library, not fifteen minutes later, braiding my hair along the way.

I spot Brady’s behemoth body the second I walk in the door, and quickly tie off my hair as I rush over to save the poor student helper who has no idea what she’s in for if I don’t rescue her. Her rigid stance and the way she’s clutching those books to her chest tells me she’s not ready for all the Lancaster charm, but the wide sparkle in her eyes scream she wishes she were.

He sees it, which is why he’s inching his way closer, towering over her small frame.

Big dummy.

I step up and slap my hand on his shoulder. He doesn’t flinch in the slightest, doesn’t even look back at me. “Welcome to the party, Ari Baby.”

The poor girl’s eyes shoot even wider, and she drops her gaze to the stained carpet beneath her feet.

“Come on, big guy.” I laugh. “Time to study.”

“I’m tryin’ to study.” His body sways slightly, trying to hit every nerve with his little innuendo. I can only guess his grin has turned feral, because when the girl peeks up at him, her fair cheeks turn a bright cherry red.

“I should go,” the girl whispers and sidesteps out of Brady’s cage before darting away, disappearing behind the closest bookshelf.

Brady stands tall, exhaling loudly. “Almost had her.”

I laugh and shove him toward the open tables. “No, you didn’t.”

He grins but doesn’t argue.

We drop into the seats, and Brady pulls out two water bottles and four ham and cheese Lunchables, setting them on the table between us.

I laugh, quick to open a pack and stack my first bite. “Always coming in clutch.”

“You know I got you.” He winks, digging in.

We get lost in the world of psychology and before we know it, it’s late in the evening. The library is quickly filling up with a whole new breed of human, the obnoxious procrastinators, and those forced here for after-hours tutoring.

I slump against my chair, and Brady mimics my position.

“My brain is done, Brady.” I drop my head onto his shoulder, and he rests his on top of mine.

“Right back atcha.” He tosses his pencil on the table. “Wanna eat?”

I laugh because with Brady, it’s either football, food, or, well, sex. I nod. “I could eat.”

“Cool.” He gently nudges me off and stands, shoving his books back in his backpack. “Let’s meet the boys at the burger place off campus.”

I must hesitate too long because he stops mid-pack and stands to his tallest height. His earthy green eyes narrow in on me. “Don’t give me no lip. You’re coming.”

I huff and shift to stand. “Can’t you just come to my house?”

“Don’t want to.”

“We could go to that pizza place down the road?”

“Fine. I’ll see if they want to go there.”

“Brady…” I drop my eyes to my bag.

He sighs and walks around my chair, enveloping me in his one-of-a-kind, big bear hug. “Not gonna lie, you’re pissing me off a bit here, Ari Baby. But I got eyes, I know some shit went down with you and Chase and you’re trying to steer clear, but that ain’t fair to the rest of us. We’re your boys, you’re our girl. Suck it the fuck up or I’ll end up laying out my best friend.”

A sorrowful laugh slips from me. “I don’t want to make it awkward for anyone and it’s kind of… hard for me.”

Brady tenses slightly. “I know.” He drops closer to my ear to whisper, “Good thing you’ve got that game face down, huh… need you to put it on for me right quick.”

I pull back, as he does, and frown up at him.

He gives a subtle nod before his attention lifts over my head.