Page 49 of Say You Swear

And cue more guilt.

From there, thank god, the boys get straight to work, cutting produce they brought and frying burgers, and Brady delivers on his mom’s famous homemade garlic fries. Cam and I pull some plates and drinks out as they’re finishing up.

We settle around the small kitchen, and I finally get to hear some of the stories the boys have from their first couple months here, laughing at Brady’s horrible luck in picking up bat-shit crazy women. We play a few games of our favorite dice game, Tizy, next, and then settle into the living room with root beer floats.

A soft sigh leaves me as I peek around the room, realizing how much I miss this, how much I miss them.

I gasp when something cold hits my thigh and Brady’s eyes widen.

“Shit!” He looks to his tipped over drink, still spilling into my lap.

I wave my hands up and down and the others laugh. “It’s so cold!”

They scurry around for napkins, but it’s Chase that lifts one, and as he passes it over, he does a double take.

My muscles lock as his frown slowly builds.

Cameron swoops in, tossing a towel at me, and I jump, making quick work of wiping it with one hand and yanking the still extended napkin from Chase’s hand… all to have it torn away by Cameron.

She zeros in on Noah’s name and number, her head snapping my way.

Please don’t.

“Yes.” She drags out the word with a hiss, being over dramatic as she eases it to the floor beside her. “Let’s not lose this.”

It takes all I’ve got not to glance at Chase, but when I finally do, I’m relieved to find his eyes pointed at the TV, and then I get annoyed with myself for assuming he might care.

Not five minutes after that, I’m painstakingly reminded why I’ve skipped Sunday dinners and everything else for that matter as Mason starts talking to Chase about the girls from their party last night… and their walk of shame this morning.

My stomach turns, and for the first time today, last night’s alcohol threatens to show itself. Heat builds in my chest, spreading up my neck, and I’m about to start sweating.

I want to cover my ears. I want to get up and run out before anything else is said, but I can’t. The others will look at me like I’m mad, and then they’ll get mad and demand a reason for my freak out, but I can’t sit here. I don’t want to sit here.


My phone beeps then, and I hastily pick it up, finding a text from Noah.

* * *

Romeo: I’ve been thinking and there’s something I should tell you.

* * *

Oh no.

I pull my knees up, a small scowl building along my brow.

* * *

Me: go for it.

* * *

His response is instant.

* * *

Romeo: I hate caramel flavored coffee.

* * *

A laugh spurts from me, and in my peripheral, all eyes snap my way, but I don’t look up, not even when a certain pair of green ones burn into the side of my face.

I settle in my seat with a smile and text my new friend back.

Bless you and your perfect timing, Noah Riley.

Chapter 15


* * *

My phone beeps, the timer for my mile going off, so I slow my strides.

As soon as I pull my earbuds from my ear, my phone vibrates, so I free from my armband.

I smile at my screen and open Noah’s text.

* * *

Romeo: I had eggs for breakfast.

* * *

My feet come to a complete stop, and I grin as I message him back.

* * *

Me: Billy Ray Cyrus Achy Breaky Heart.

* * *

Romeo: Really?! How do you even know who he is?

* * *

He’s totally smiling right now.

Before I can respond, another text comes through.

* * *

Romeo: It’s from Hannah Montana, isn’t it? You were one of those crazy girls who cried when little Miley grew up to be…my kinda Miley.

* * *

He sends a little winky face, and I bust up laughing, partly because he’s right, mostly because this conversation is ridiculous, but that’s exactly why it’s so much fun.

* * *

Me: Liar. Miley’s too wild for you and you know it. I feel like you’re more of an Emma Watson kind of guy.

* * *

Romeo: You sure?

* * *

I suck my stomach in, a small cackle slipping from me.

* * *

Me: No, I guess I’m not... but I still win. Again.

* * *

Romeo: I’ll stump you, Juliet. Just wait.

* * *

I grin, locking my phone back in place, and finish off the rest of my lap since I couldn’t manage to trim anytime off my mile like Mason challenged me to.

Monday morning, when I woke up, Noah had texted me saying the coach gave Mase a shout out after the team’s film session that morning. I texted him back Sage the Gemini—Good Thing.