“Did you?” she asked, concern touching her brow.
“Baby, I don’t care where I am, as long as I’m with you right now. I’m enjoying just holding you and listening to you and your friends catch up.”
Her smile softened. “It’s been way too long. I know it’s our day, our special moment, but having them here to share it with us has kind of made it feel even more special, if you know what I mean . . . ?”
Kissing her temple again, I tightened my arms around her. “Yeah, I do.”
The lounger beside us moved, drawing our attention to Mia and Jace as they positioned the chair closer to us and sat down, much the same as we were.
“Hello, married people,” Mia said with a grin.
Amy giggled and I smirked. I was pretty fucking happy about it.
Mia settled into Jace’s arms before gazing back at us, shaking her head slightly. “I still can’t believe you’re married. It’s just surreal. Sometimes it’s hard not to feel like we’re all still in high school. Especially hanging around this lot,” she said, jerking her chin upwards, toward Jace.
I chuckled, watching Jace smirk, knowing it was the truth.
Mia gazed between the two of us. “Realizing we’re all old enough to actually take that step is crazy. I’m so happy for you. Both of you.” Leaving her gaze on Amy, she gave her a tender smile. “I admire you so much, Amy. I always knew you were strong enough to break free and be who you really are. I’m glad you found a reason to make you realize it was worth it.”
Amy pulled herself out of my arms and reached for Mia, the two girls embracing each other emotionally.
“Thank you, Mia,” I heard Amy murmur. “That means so much to me. You have no idea.”
“You guys belong together. Don’t let anyone tell you any differently.”
In that moment, I loved Mia like the sister I’d never had. I loved all of them, really. I hadn’t anticipated everyone being so supportive, but here they all were, genuinely happy and accepting of what we’d just committed to. They were the kind of friends everyone needed. And I was glad Amy would have them by her side when it came time for me to leave.
A large figure loomed in front of us before it leaned in and kissed Amy on the cheek.
Joshua Emerson, the movie star.
It was funny, really. When I’d first met him, it really was a surreal experience, but twenty minutes later, he was just another one of the guys. I was actually surprised at just how down-to-earth he really was.
“Congratulations, sweetie. I’m so happy for you,” he said, before straightening and offering me his hand. “Look after her, man. She’s special.”
I took it and gave it a firm pump. “You have my word.”
Another figure came, bumping Josh out of the way. This time it was Matt, the drummer from the band. Giving Amy a quick kiss on the cheek, he clasped my hand. “Hope you know how lucky you are, man.”
It was very clear that Matt was the ladies’ man of the group. He wasn’t sleazy or anything like that. He just had a way about him. A swagger that just came naturally. All the guys had it, really, but Matt seemed a little more confident with it than the others.
“Oh, I know it,” I said, my arm tightening around her stomach. “I’m a very lucky man.”
A few more of the loungers were pulled closer as Aiden, Dean, and the guys joined us, turning our little circle into a slightly bigger, yet still intimate, gathering.
With the lanterns still burning as the darkness descended, I sat back and listened to them all reminisce their days from school and all their hopes and dreams for the future, but I was painfully aware of Amy’s silence during it all, and I had a pretty good idea I knew why. It had nothing to do with shyness and e
verything to do with uncertainty.
Our future wasn’t something we could plan for with utter conviction. I hated it, but there wasn’t a damned thing I could do about it. All I could do at this point in time was vow to her that I would do everything within my power to make it home to her.
And that was a promise.
Chapter 33
Alex gave me the week off.