Beaming, I placed my hand on his arm and drew in a breath filled with anticipation, before trying to peer out the window.

“I’m proud of you too, you know,” Seth said quietly.

I gazed up to find him watching me, his expression one of deep affection. Emotion swelled inside me.

“I’m sorry our parents aren’t here for you, Aims. You’re an amazing woman, and you deserve better.”

Insta-tears sprang to my eyes, but I wouldn’t l

et them fall. I wouldn’t let my parents taint this day for me in any way.

I squeezed his arm. “Thanks, Seth. I have you, though, and I’m okay with that.”

Leaning forward, he kissed my forehead, then proceeded to lead me through the back doors.

Stepping out into the sunlight, I moved about four feet before my gait faltered, and I stopped walking altogether. “Oh my God . . . ” I said, my jaw dropping in awe.

I’d left Amber and Kathryn in charge of decorating. I had told them I didn’t need much. It wasn’t a priority for me at all. I vaguely remembered Amber saying that Noah’s parents had some decorations from his brother’s engagement party the year before and telling her it sounded perfect, but I hadn’t expected this. This was beautiful.

I was incredibly glad I was still hidden from view behind the hedges, because I was sure I looked quite ridiculous standing there, gaping.

Rose petals had been scattered on the ground, creating a path I assumed would take me to Daniel. Shining pink, white, and silver baby balloons, arranged in pretty little bundles, hung in scattered patterns to the sides of the path. And at the end was a little wooden sign, the side pointed like an arrow, reading, ‘This way to Happily Ever After.’

“Oh my God,” I said again, excitement bubbling up inside me.

All of a sudden, I couldn’t wait to get to Daniel. Stepping forward, I tugged on Seth’s arm. I needed to get there. Now.

I heard Seth chuckle beside me, but he didn’t say anything, choosing to remain silent and humor my need to do this instead.

When we reached the sign and turned to follow the rose petals, I finally got a view of their beautifully manicured yard. I managed to glimpse some lanterns placed on the ground either side of the path, leading the way forward, and I thought there might have been some tea lights in glass jars hanging from the trees, but the instant I saw Daniel, I saw no more. Because there he was. Standing there under the pretty white gazebo, his attention completely on me, wearing his full dress uniform.

Emotions raged inside me. I wasn’t sure if I was turned on, proud, or scared because I was now reminded he was a marine, and he would soon be leaving me.

I wobbled a little as my legs began to shake. Seth placed his other hand over mine on his arm and squeezed as we continued to move forward. “Okay?” he asked softly.

Without taking my eyes off Daniel, I gave him a little nod. I needed to be with my marine.

A dozen or so little wooden chairs had been set up under the gazebo, either side of the trail of flower petals, and each of our family and friends were standing before their place, smiling warmly as I moved closer.

These were glimpses of time that my mind captured in my periphery, but most of my attention was on the one place I wanted to be.

My home.

Chapter 32


Lazing back on the sun lounger, with Amy melted against me between my legs, I listened to the soft music and voices floating around us.

The sun had almost fully set, and Amber’s mom had lit all the lanterns and tea lights, turning the yard into what I would hope Amy thought of as a fairy tale setting. It felt that way to me anyway.

The whole day had been perfect. That moment I saw Amy walk around the corner, coming to tie herself to me in ways I’d never even dreamed about before I met her, I felt my heart all but leap from my chest. She was so fucking beautiful I could barely get my head to comprehend that she was mine. It seemed almost impossible. How had I gotten so lucky?

Not once did we take our eyes off each other as she made her way to my side. When Seth handed her over to me, and I took her hands in mine, I wanted to vow right then and there that I would always be with her. In one way or another. Even when I was on the other side of the planet. She would always be with me.

Leaning forward, I kissed her temple. “Hey, beautiful,” I murmured against her skin. “Did you want to leave yet?”

Tilting her head back, she gazed up at me, her expression unmistakably one of adoration. That look did something to me. It made me want to beat my chest and roar in victory, like some sort of fucking caveman. It made me want to pick her up and run away with her, somewhere we could be alone for hours on end, so I could have my way with her gorgeous body, over and over again.