Chapter 31


Standing in the middle of my room, I stared at my reflection in the full-length mirror.

The long white dress I wore couldn’t really be considered a gown as such, more like a very pretty, soft maxi dress than anything else. My hair had been loosely braided on one side, falling softly down over my shoulder in loose, gentle waves, and my makeup had been kept to a minimum, the colors natural and soft.

It was exactly the opposite of what my mother would’ve told me I needed to look like, but it was exactly me. And that made me very happy.

I turned away from the mirror just as a light rap sounded on the door. Before I could call out, it opened a crack and Seth peeked in.

“Can I come in?”

I smiled at him through the gap, my gaze traveling over the beige trousers and crisp white button-up shirt he was wearing. He looked good.

Seth stepped over the threshold and closed the door behind him. “Wow, Aims. You look amazing.”

I smirked. “I was just about to say the same to you.”

Altering his stance, he brushed an imaginary piece of lint off his sleeve. “I know, right?”

Laughter bubbled out of me. I didn’t remember ever feeling this happy in my entire life.

Seth’s expression sobered slightly. “I was going to come in here and ask you if you were really sure you wanted to follow through with this, but looking at you right now . . . ” He shook his head before sighing. “You really love him, don’t you?”

I laughed again. “Well, duh . . . ”

He chuckled at me and put his hands on his hips. “Well . . . if you’re ready, then, we probably shouldn’t keep your husband-to-be waiting. ”

My heart flipped against my ribcage.


In less than half an hour, I was going to be a married woman. With a husband. Nerves flittered through my veins, and a weird anxiety started creeping in.

But then an image of Daniel’s face appeared on the screen of my mind, and calm instantly returned.

Exhaling, I felt the corners of my mouth lift. No doubts. This was right. I had no reservations whatsoever. Daniel and I were meant to be, and no one else’s idea of what was right or wrong was going to change my belief in that.

Picking up my little bouquet of flowers, I placed my hand in the crook of Seth’s arm and let him lead me down the stairs.

David and Kathryn had been wonderful through everything over the past couple of weeks. Shit, the last year, really. After talking to me about my reasoning to getting married, they both accepted my decision and offered their backyard for our wedding celebrations. It seemed fitting, really. Their house felt like a second home to all of us. It was intimate and comforting. Perfect.

When I reached the bottom of the stairs, I was surprised to find Amber waiting for me. As usual, she looked gorgeous in a very simple, silver cocktail dress, with matching silver kitten heels. Her hair had been loosely braided like mine, but hers had been twisted up messily at the nape of her neck.

Anxiety stirred in my stomach. I wasn’t sure why she was waiting for me. Even though she was my maid of honor, we’d agreed to simply have her standing at our makeshift altar with Daniel and Ryan.

She smiled, immediately easing my concerns, her hand reaching out to grasp mine. “I’m so proud of you,” she said softly. “I just wanted to tell you that before you walked out.”

Leaning into me, she grabbed me in one of her big, loving hugs and squeezed me hard. I laughed, so incredibly happy, I was sure I was going to burst.

Pulling away, she drew in a deep, steadying breath. “I’ll go get them to start the music.”

I gave another soft laugh as I watched her dash outside. Seth shook his head with a smirk. “She’s so weird.”

“Yeah, but she’s my kind of weird.”

A few moments later, the music started, and Seth offered me his arm yet again. “Let’s go get you hitched, little sister.”