“Thank you,” he murmured against Ex’s curved lips after he gave him what he’d asked for.


Anticipated Next Release in the Series:

Nothing Special VIII: SWAT ED.

Lieutenant Mandel Tucker, aka, Fox

& Bull

Three weeks later...

“I’m so damn glad y’all are here,” Green said when he opened the door and invited God and Day into his home.

It’d taken a week for all the windows to be repaired and the few items damaged by the bullets to be removed, but all in all, their house was fine. What wasn’t fine was him and his partner. That hostage situation had really screwed them up, but Ruxs more so than him.

“Hey. How's he doing today?” Day asked, while giving him a one-armed hug.

“Same. He just stays in the exercise room, running, hitting the heavy bag, lifting weights.” Green leaned against the wall. “He’s driving me crazy, Day. You guys gotta do something.”

God gave him a nod as he walked past gripping the handles of a crockpot full of beef stew Day had made for them, and set it on the island in his kitchen. Before he could plug the appliance in there was another knock on the front door and Ro, Michaels and Judge walked in, each of them carrying bags loaded with food.

Green smiled, walked up to Michaels and pulled him to his chest. At first Michaels stiffened, not returning his embrace, but after a few silent moments, his best friend wrapped his arms around him and practically squeezed the breath out of him. He hadn’t seen much of his team since they’d been on break, but Michaels had gone out of his way to avoid them and Green had insisted that Judge make him come today.

“Where do you want this?” Judge asked, motioning at the cooler in his arms that was no doubt stocked full of Yuengling and Coronas.

“Set it on the balcony, I don’t want it leaking on my new floors.” Green pointed towards the back of his and Ruxs’s loft.

“Where’s Johnson, Ro?” Green asked.

Ro sat at one of the stools around the island with a cold beer in front of him. “Work as usual,” he grumbled. “Since the tape of the DA being paid off was leaked to the news stations, shit’s been crazy. He’s been doing press conferences left and right and on Monday he has to give testimony in front of the grand jury. So he’ll be prepping all night for it. Shit man. He’s been doing this for two weeks straight. I have to damn near pencil myself in on his calendar if I want to get laid.”

“Ugh. Don’t talk to me about getting laid, sex, fucking, sucking, none of that,” Green gritted, then took his pasta off the stove to strain.

“Having some trouble in that department?” Day asked, as he washed his hands and took one of Green’s aprons off a hook and jumped in to help. Both of them loved cooking and were damn good at it. It was a great stress reliever. Even Michaels had picked up some amazing skills.

Green didn’t answer and he hoped he’d successfully staved off that conversation when there was another knock on his door. He jogged across the floor to answer it, happy to see Steele, Tech, Syn, and his way-too-sexy boyfriend, Furious. After a few pats on the back and one-armed hugs, the guys filed in and made themselves at home like they always did.

God, Judge and Syn were already over in the gaming area, setting up the pool table for one of the many rounds they’d play. He and Day were in the kitchen, while Michaels, Furi and Tech sat around the island with drinks and waiting for taste-test samples.

“So, what’s everyone been up to?” Tech asked. “I don’t know about y’all but I’m ready to get back into the office full-time next week. My apartment is too small for Steele and me to be in there together at all times. There’s not much else to do besides play video games and have—”

“Ah, ah, ah,” Day cut Tech off. “I wouldn’t talk about how much you’re getting right now, Techy.”

“Why?” Tech frowned. “What’d I miss?”

“Before you guys came in, I think Green was about to tell us that he’s not getting any,” Day said, as he scooped small amounts of beef stew into bowls and slid them in front the three of them.

Green had his back to his friends while he pretended that he needed to constantly stir his spaghetti sauce. It’d been simmering for an hour; it wasn’t going to get any better than it already was. He felt his face burning and it wasn’t from his stove. “I’m not talking about this.”

“Yeah, you can. Just say it. We’ll support ya,” Tech said.

“Sure.” Michaels nodded.

Furi swallowed a mouthful of stew then added, “Babe, you can tell us anything and I think all of us would understand.”