“No way,” Green said, hiding in his large pot.

“Oh, come on,” Day said. “If we can’t share our feelings with each other then we’re nothing but badass, gun carrying police officers who run this fucking city.”

Green coughed, choking on his expected laugh. Day had the amazing skill to do that at any time. Day winked at him then continued lining up pieces of garlic bread on a sheet pan. The room had gotten quiet except for God’s conversation around the pool table. Maybe he should confide in his team about this, they were his bros, his best friends. It was just he’d never had to talk to anyone about personal shit in his and Ruxs’s relationship, because it’d been close to perfect. Ruxs was his absolute match.

But, since the hostage situation they’d been at odds—more like a small war in their own home. The break had been good for them ... needed. But all of the guys had gone back into the office here and there over the past three weeks... except for them. Ruxs wouldn’t let him leave the house at all. He was under constant surveillance. If Green even hinted about going to the office, Ruxs would have a fit. He said they needed to reevaluate their careers, but he knew Ruxs had just gotten scared. They all had. But it was time to move forward. Time to begin to heal. They had mandatory sessions with the precinct psychologist but Ruxs refused to let him make the appointment, knowing they couldn’t return to duty until they did. He was angry that the man he loved had watched him survive being a hostage... only to turn him into a prisoner.

Green sighed then faced his guys. “All right, yeah. It’s getting shitty. I’m a grown ass man with grown ass man needs, and I’ve cut off the sex with my partner. There. I said it. We... we haven’t fucked in two weeks and I’ve been sleeping on the couch.”

They were all looking around awkwardly at each other, making Green throw his hands up and curse. “Damnit! Where’s all the support and shit?”

Michaels ducked his head and scrubbed the back of his neck. Furi sucked in a long breath between his teeth, appearing as if he was suddenly in pain. Of course, an ex-porn star might not take that particular method. And Tech seemed almost apologetic... but for which one of them?

“Why the hell did you do that?” Day asked, looking horrified.

Green took a long drink of his beer. “Because I’m mad, all right? He wasn’t the only one on that damn street. He wasn’t the one with a gun to his head.”

“Chris,” Day sighed.

“No!” Green snapped. “He’s not even thinking that maybe I have some feelings in this and have a different way of coping with my issues instead of completely closing down and shutting everyone out.”

“Give Ruxs some time. I’ve never seen him that scared before,” Tech whispered. “That couldn’t’ve been easy, Green.”

Green slammed his hands down on the island, the loud crack drawing God and Syn’s attention. “You keep talking about him! What the fuck about me?”

Day tried to put his hand on his shoulder but Green shoved it off. “How the fuck would you feel Day if God suddenly said you weren’t going to be a cop anymore, huh? All because he said so. You’d have no voice, no say whatsoever. How about you, Tech? Everything you’ve been through to become a detective... would you let Steele rip it all from you... because he said so?”

All of them were quiet. Hopefully, now they understood where he was coming from. Green pulled out his cutting board and a fresh clove of garlic.

“Green this is more than enough food. What are you making now?” Day asked in exasperation.

“I don’t freakin know. But everything I make starts with garlic,” Green said solemnly. He got his butcher knife and started chopping. He needed to keep his hands busy. He had a serious case of cabin fever. Ruxs hadn’t even let him go to the grocery store, instead making him do his shopping online. No way.

“So, what have y’all been doing every day?” Steele asked.

Green clenched his teeth. “Nothing! What else? He goes in the weight room and exercises or he gets on the laptop and searches for a new job for us. While I sit down here and hope he snaps out of it, and oh yeah, I cook a whole lot of food that he barely eats anymore.”

“Why didn’t you tell us?” God asked, scowling.

“And ruin you guys’ vacations? God, you were in Hawaii for ten days, why did I need to call you and put those bad vibes on you? Tech, you were visiting family. Michaels was helping Judge at his firm,” Green argued. “I was trying not to worry everyone and let you guys enjoy your breaks.”