“Why? Because I said so,” God said, entering the room with his partner close behind him. His voice was deep enough to make a man’s chest rumble. When he yelled, it was like thunder rolling through them. He was their commander and his rules were to be followed or else the consequences were dire. He came and stood beside Syn. His six-foot-four height, stern jaw, and piercing green eyes weren’t what made him scary. It was the power he harnessed behind his gold Lieutenant badge. Twenty brilliant, strong men under his command, ready at all times. A mayor and captain that backed him with anything he needed. And the best part about God was his partner, who made them both unstoppable.

Day stood next to him. “We want this to go smoothly, Green. No mistakes, no room for error. The DEA has gone after The Kid before, remember, and the bastard got off on a technicality because someone fucked up in collecting the evidence. Well, now we’ve been assigned to take them down, and we don’t fuck up.”

Several “fuck yeahs” and fist-bumps were exchanged before the large group settled down enough for Day to continue. “Now, Marietty and Jones are still inside. We got a message that some guns are going to be delivered to the drop-off point tomorrow, but the drugs won’t be in until Monday. We want it all, not just the drugs.”

God nodded his head, agreeing with Day. “So we’re gonna send out the enforcers to play it up around town that we’re interested in the new activity going on over on the East Side. Hopefully The Kid feels comfortable that God’s sights are elsewhere, not on his tail, and doesn’t switch up anything at the last minute.” With those words God and Day left, leaving their Sergeant to handle the details.

Syn quickly issued the orders for surveillance and the other men got busy with their areas of specialty. They had demolitions experts, weapons, tactical, intelligence, IT and more. All the men on their team were the best in their field. Michaels had accreditations in marksmanship, so he was a sniper, but God often had him doing surveillance and fieldwork with the enforcers. Since his degree was in psychology, he had a knack for getting guys to talk.

“Michaels you’ll be with Green and Ruxs today. Shake a few guys down for information on what’s been coming in on the East Side. Make sure it’s enough that assurance gets back to The Kid that God’s not sniffing around him.”

“You got it.” Michaels went to his desk and unlocked his bottom drawer. He pulled out his two 9mm weapons and tucked them in the small of his back, switching out the .22. He gathered a few more weapons and locked his station back up.

“Alright, let’s go pretty boy, we ain’t got all day,” Ruxs joked. Michaels flicked him off as he jogged to catch up to him and Green. He didn’t know why he was being called pretty when Ruxs looked like a goddamn model. His look was always trendy. Some type of rock band t-shirt and denim jeans. His pale green eyes paired with the dark stubble on his face made an erotic combination. Green had a sexy look as well, with that neatly trimmed goatee and dangerous tribal art tattoos up his neck. It was no wonder those guys were all over each other. They made one hell of a hot couple.

On their way past the break room, Michaels peered in and saw God standing extremely close to Day, whispering something to him while Day fixed one of the numerous cups of coffee he’d have throughout the day. They were the epitome of professional, but the love they had for each other couldn’t always be concealed. It was no secret that several of the guys on their team were gay, including their Sergeant. Syn was partnered with Furi, a mechanic that had his own garage. He did most of the repair work on their police vehicles. He was definitely one of the coolest guys Michaels had ever met. He sometimes found himself wondering if he’d find someone who could handle what he did for a living. Could stomach the dangerous raids, the long nights of waiting and wondering, the grueling hours.

When Day welcomed Michaels onto the task force, he’d promised them that he could do the job, that he could handle it; and he’d meant it. But damn if he wasn’t lonely. Obviously, since Ruxs and Green were open about being a couple, his Lieutenants didn’t mind team members pairing up with each other, as long as they did their jobs. There were only a couple other guys in their unit who were gay and single, but Michaels wasn’t interested in them. He couldn’t imagine dating someone he worked with every single day. Michaels liked his space, too. He tucked all that wishing shit to the back of his mind and focused on his job.